100% - zoom in - zoom out
drawn in 53 min with Chicken Paint
Teapot (Jun 1, 2011)
Teapot (Jun 1, 2011)
drawn in 37 min
Teapot (Jun 1, 2011)
drawn in 4 min
Miss_DJ (Jun 1, 2011)
this is coolness!!
Suntan (Jun 1, 2011)
nice light, nice movement...very different for you...and it looks good on ya. ;p
Teapot (Jun 2, 2011)
Thanks, Suntan and Miss DJ. It was inspired by a photo of silhouettes I saw at DA. Was going to ref it but now I can't find it. Doesn't really look anything like the photo. I just liked the effect of the lighting.
pawillie (Jun 2, 2011)
this is terrific Teapot
Teapot (Jun 9, 2011)
drawn in 11 min
beefcake619 (Sep 2, 2011)
Great work (: and thanks for the comment
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