Oh cool..I like this a lot...
The Southern Belle Ladies Social Luncheon Club...sippin' Mint Julep tea and enjoying cucumber sandwiches and sugar cookies for desert..:)...I'm the darker blue one, second from the left.
I just got caught upstaiyas playin' ''Pokin' Under the Petticoats''' with Mr. Boregard..Why, I almost swooned and blushed all the way down to my ruffles and lace.''
Well my lawdy Miss Charlotte..sure looks like we both got ourselves in a bit of scandal...that being the cas, well I say we ditch our crinalins and head on down to kick our heels and down some whiskey at the local waterin' hole..cause I swaya, I am vera parched and I do balieve you have a little hay feva yaself..;)..lol
drawn in 22 min
The Southern Belle Ladies Social Luncheon Club...sippin' Mint Julep tea and enjoying cucumber sandwiches and sugar cookies for desert..:)...I'm the darker blue one, second from the left.