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Axil62 (Feb 25, 2011)
Not entirely sure how to start this. From time to time I see digital art produced here that is very detailed an realistic, I look at how many hours were spent on one piece and I have to wonder why someone would put that much time and effort into a drawing on 2draw. It's just not that important or fruitful. It's pixels on the internet. It's almost meaningless and yet people labor for hours upon end trying very hard to produce something that isn't going to be viewed for more than a few days at most. It's not on canvas or paper, you can't really hang an original on your wall. It amounts to next to nothing in the end. I know, I've done some things here that I really put some effort into and to be quite honest hen I think back on it, it was nothing more than an attempt to impress other 2draw members, make them think I was amazing or interesting. That's all. To those who still practice art with traditional medium, thank god for you. There is nothing wrong, in my mind, with logging on and having some fun pushing pixels around for the hell of it, but to spend so many hours pouring over every detail of one digital drawing... why? I know some are going to say they do it for personal satisfaction. I don't buy it. You get, or are trying to get, something out of it. There is definitely a motive, but what is it? Not on the surface either... I mean, really, inside, the truth at the core. What is it? Maybe it's complicated and maybe it's as simple as 'I just want people to like me...or at least help myself believe they do.' Or maybe 'I just want to feel included in a group'. I don't know. You tell me.
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backmagicwoman (edited Feb 25, 2011)
It's an interesting inquiry, I think..I myself never try to do realism..but I do spend hours sometimes on the type of art that I do..(hopeless fantasy stuff really)..mostly to prove to myself that I can finish something halfway decent..At first digital art fascinated me and I couldn't get enough..now not so much, I am actually doing some traditional work at home..canvas and some resin statue building....just puttering really, but pretty satisfying when I have a complete result to display forever in my home. ..not to mention the fact that i've been told on more than one occasion that what i do isn't really art anyway because of the fact that it's not realism...so there is always that to dampen the spirit sometimes.
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elly (Feb 25, 2011)
Personally for me, I was out to prove something....to myself as well as to 2draw. When I started drawing here back in Aug 06, I was completely new to computer drawing, (but well on my way with traditional art, which I STILL practice, btw =), and I didn't realize how much I still needed to learn about the basics of art. I was intimidated here right away, to say the least, by the amazing art I saw and by many of the comments I received from top notch artists here. After the intimidation set in, I vowed to myself that ONE DAY I'm going to get really really good and 'show them all'! So, I set my goal. But, in order for me to reach my goal, I had to spend hours and hours computer drawing. I do feel I reached my goal, and I even got a showcase piece out of the deal! So my original motive was to prove to 2draw that I could become a very good artist but you're right, Axil, all for what?? To just be able to stare at my full gallery of stuff and then click exit?
Well, first the feeling of accomplishment was great for me since I really hadn't ever experienced that feeling before. But that's not all it's done for me...it's taught me MUCH more about the basics of art and the experience I've earned thru computer drawing has actually helped my traditional art more than I could've imagined it could! Even more than Bob Ross ever taught me!! hehee.. My gallery here has also landed me some jobs as well...book covers/illustrations, portraits, murals, logos, tattoos, and even the DVD cover and theater poster for a movie coming out later this year! So now I use my computer drawings as my portfolio when someone wants to see my computer work. So for me, drawing hours and hours on the computer has served to be profitable in more ways than one! And I thank 2draw for challenging me to better my skills!! Now, if there was just an online drawing site that gave us the option to save in hi-res...we'd have it made! I do have CS5 on my mac but shit it takes forever to draw on it because of the really bad lag it has!! Anyway, that's a bitch session on it's own.....I think you ask a very good question, Axil, and I hope to see many more honest replies on it! =) |
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Roytje (Feb 25, 2011)
It did all start with digital art for me. I didn;t had much interest for art before I started with it. At the beginning I really liked to do it and people liked what I did.
I think it really helped me with developing my sense for color. I prefer to work with traditional medium now, but sometimes it's still great to get my tablet and draw something here. |
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Bobstained (Feb 25, 2011)
I started drawing on the computer because I was bored and didn't want to clean up the mess that comes with painting, I used to really enjoy painting but I didn't like the mess that comes with it. Then I started getting nice comments and people treated me like a superstar, so I continued to draw to get my daily fix. But then people become less impressed so you have to spend longer to produce something they'll be impressed with. I still want to get nice comments, but with alot less effort. I've come to the conclusion there's no point me trying my hardest anymore, beause like Axil says you dont get much of a reward.
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staci (Feb 25, 2011)
..not to mention the fact that i've been told on more than one occasion that what i do isn't really art anyway because of the fact that it's not realism...ridiculous, truly. do you know what realism is? because I cannot imagine anyone that has frequented this site or DA with any passion for art of any kind saying that and believing it. |
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backmagicwoman (Feb 25, 2011)
I know what it is..and my passion for art is true, so it is...and no I don't really believe it when people say that about my art..however even for a tough old soul like me, the fact that someone would even say such can still sometimes sting all the same.
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shell (Feb 25, 2011)
I'm not an artist. I just like drawing and I figured the more I draw the better I'll get. It's practice and it's fun. There's a lotta skills I want to develop for myself, a lotta stuff I wanna learn better just cuz I enjoy doing that particular thing - singing, dancing, playing instruments, speaking foreign languages, etc. Drawing is one of them. 2draw is not the main place I come to draw online but I happen to really like the Oekaki tool here. Good crowd, people I admire and who inspire me, it's not bad. Basically I just wanna learn, keep practicing and grow. And if I happen to make friends on the way that doesn't sound bad either.
But why is this issue worrying you so, Dan? It's not the first time I read about it, you've mentioned it before. People have their own reasons, they vary and they don't have to be logical or understandable. You ask why but you already insinuate an answer, you go "Stop showing off, nobody's looking", I'm paraphrasing of course. Anyway I like exchanging ideas, regardless the issue or its relevance. So props to you and your lovable curiosity. |
Maribelle (Feb 25, 2011)
Hi all, i'm not a regular here but this is an interesting question. My answer is probably less than exciting. As a student living in the halls painting isnt an option, pencil sketches get lost and aren't the best if you want to work with colour. Photoshop is expensive and mostly unnecessary if all you want to do is draw from time to time when you are bored/stressed.
From my experience with paints it is also a lot of hassle, which is fine if you have the time/space/patience, not so much in my situation. I usually draw for my friends when i have the time or when i am emotionally restless and need to calm down. This website has amazing free tools and is easy to use, save your work and share the drawings online. From time to time its great for looking at different art works, and although i can see that many people have different reasons, from my personal experience its the website's "easy and accessible" nature that makes it so appealing. |
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oneironaut (Feb 25, 2011)
Wampeters, Foma and Granfalloons I gather your post is an inquiry about what this site and the work/play we do here means to each of us personally. Any tool is only as useful as the person using it. Multiple free programs, anonymous feedback/criticism, a portfolio, discussions and inspiration are all available here and it would be a loss if it ended. I'm grateful to have an outlet for expression and digital vs traditional is of little difference, other than convenience, to me. I am thankful that this site and the tools it makes available exist. Drawing or Painting for me is therapeutic. I use gimp to paint digitally and draw or paint with traditional media, nearly, every day of my life. When I started painting on the computer my wife scoffed. She said "You can trace any picture." and asked "What's the point? It's not real.". I felt challenged, somewhat, to prove otherwise to her. The tools used here are limited just enough to do so. The applets here don't provide a means for import or customization so they are "raw" in a way that mimics traditional media. The "contest" board (when it's maintained) is a motivational challenge. I'm less concerned with the notice gained by winning or placing than I am with a consistent flow of challenges and ideas. I enjoy reading the harsh criticism, encouragement and political/religious banter. I enjoy praise and attention for my efforts but they aren't what keep me coming back. I also dig that so many people take the time to discuss and link external resources. Recently these links were provided and I'd like to thank the people that chose to share them (url is hyperlinked to posters name). Dr. Moony, Roytje and tanuki. In the end everything, us and our creations are dust so enjoy each day as your last, have fun and try to resist the temptation to be shitty to one another. ;) P.S. Thank you marcello and any contributers for making and maintaining 2Draw what it is. |
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Dr.Moony (Feb 25, 2011)
Is this just about replicating photos?
Regardless, digital is the way to go for me. Pixels can make me cry and smile... good enough |
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backmagicwoman (Feb 25, 2011)
I think my question would be, why would you spend hours and hours replicating something someone else already captured or created...why not spend that dedication to something of your very own?
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Flubbles (Feb 25, 2011)
If you look at alot of realism it's not all exactly the same, it's peoples representation of it. If you got a thousand people to draw the same photo I'd gaurantee every one would be different. When I used to try and copy a photo, it was because I thought it was cool and wanted to share the image with other people. Obviously I could have just shared the photo, but seeing this is a drawing site I thought I'd try and replicate it.
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jekyll (Feb 25, 2011)
You ask an interesting question, Axil. What motivates us to spend so much time creating something on a site like this as opposed to creating something more tangible?
As I see it, the artistic process is really a very lonely endeavor. The time we spend creating is time spent inside our own mind. I find time spent making art doesn't feel the same as time spent doing other things. It begins in our mind at some point and we're never really sure when we'll be done or even if we are ever finished with it. I don't think it matters whether we do traditional or digital art, the process is still the same. The difference between the two, as I see it, is that online sites allow us to be with people who understand. They may not understand what we did or why we did it, but they'll certainly know why we took the notion to do it and there is something comforting about that. Whether the response to your work is negative or positive, either way snaps you out of that self-indulging place you were in when you created it. So I guess what I'm trying to say is; I do it for personal satisfaction..... |
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enjoydotcom (Feb 26, 2011)
I suck at copying stuff, but I do find it interesting to watch. For me, when I draw online/digital it is to get feedback and tips from others around the world that would never happen when just using a pencil and paper. And when I was still drawing all the time, there was some drive to better myself.
The funny thing is, I own virtually everything on art supplies you'd need, the really good markers for drawing, water colors, oils, acrylics but for me as well, the hasslefree ctrl-z of pixel pushing draws me back here all the time. Basically, the audience and 'mentors' you get from drawing online is far much bigger than just drawing in your room on paper and going to a local gallery. What helps here, is that there is almost always instant comments, which can help you to get better without ruining a piece of paper with an eraser. |
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shell (Feb 26, 2011)
Yes, drawing traditionally really is a hussle and way more messful, not to mention expensive. And it's bloody hard! It's like a totally completely different set of skills, you have to be aware of how paint blends or dries and hardens, you have to mix colors to fabricate colors instead of just picking the right color, you have to learn about all the little tricks and techniques you can use to make it look good.
I don't know about everyone else but I find traditional art making really challenging, even just drawing on paper with charcoal - I don't get enough light where I want it, enough black (even though I kill that pencil), and with no contrast the picture's just dull (that on top of it looking bad already cuz of the lack of practice and skill). My 'on paper' drawing techniques haven't evolved much since 4 years ago but digitally the improvement is a bit more noticeable. Besides, when it's all done I only get to show it to my mom and my sister. And maybe in time to a bunch of other people, none of which share my passion for drawing. Opinions are still opinions I guess but somehow receiving comments from people who do draw seems a bit more meaningful. Sorry, mom. And even as time passes and eventually people other than my family get to see it chances are I'm not even gonna get the few days' worth of exposure I get on 2draw. To sum up - expenses, mess, hassle, different set of skills needed, no undo button, frustration, hard work, complicated, not a lot of views anyway. Guess we draw digitally cuz it's more comfortable than the alternative. And humans enjoy comfort. |
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enjoydotcom (Feb 26, 2011)
Very valid point, it is cool when people you know say something you drew looks good, but are they being polite or honest;). |
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backmagicwoman (edited Feb 26, 2011)
Humans do indeed enjoy comfort..but it's when you put yourself to the test with something uncomfortable is when you get better..a lot of people scoff at the saying ''what doesn't kill you makes you stronger''..but I tell you, it's true..whether it be just art or just life..it's true...at any rate..in the end none of it really matters anyway....
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Axil62 (Feb 26, 2011)
I love when a post takes off like this.
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lori (Feb 26, 2011)
I like to create.
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shults (Feb 27, 2011)
what doesn't kill you makes you stronger"..And what does, makes your mother stronger". I'ts easy to paint here because these are only pixels. If anything goes bad, there's an easy fix with more paint or undo, and no canvas is harmed. When I used oils I remember it took me several weeks to fix something, let alone paint the entire thing. I also never have the patience to fully finish a picture, I paint as much as I enjoy it, and it could vary from 5 mins to 7 hours. I usually don't post my 5 mins drawings though, because if I didn't like it enough to dedicate more time to it, there's no reason for me to force it on anyone else to not like it too. Oh, and I don't have the skills to keep a clean enviorment and thus oils ruined many of my clothes. I use other medium, like acryclics and chalks, but only when I have a day off. I'm sorry to say I've almost abandoned pencil completely. |
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Axil62 (Feb 27, 2011)
If Marcello disabled the ability to comment, would you still draw here?
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davincipoppalag (Feb 27, 2011)
After the cold sweats and the tremors from withdrawal subsided I would try
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backmagicwoman (Feb 27, 2011)
Ooh..good question...I may be more inclined to draw here if that were the case...you wouldn't have to worry about harsh judgements on your work....what I would really like is if i could download shi painter for those times whne i'm too broke to pay my internet bill and can't draw here at all.
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shell (Feb 27, 2011)
We'd probably start writing on drawing boards and still exchange notes and comments. We're social people, we'd figure out a way not to shut up.
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Flubbles (Feb 27, 2011)
I think the comments are the best part, good or bad. Art should generate discussion, thats the whole reason behind it. Sometimes though when I really like a piece of art, I cant find words to describe what I feel so I dont comment at all.
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Suntan (Feb 27, 2011)
I love trying to push pixels into something satisfying. Hearing from people only makes the experience better.
No cost, clean up..ect is key...and at some point, I would like to try a few ideas that I have done in pixels put up in paint. We'll see. Thanks for the fun thread. Nice to see everyone talking. :) @Flubbles: you always did make me laugh lol |
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shults (edited Feb 27, 2011)
If he disabled it now, I think I would, because by now I love 2draw. However, I wouldn't have liked it in the first place if there were no comment when I joined, on 2005.
If Lascaux and his friends were available for download, and there was no comment option here, I might have used that instead. By the way, I have a DA account, specially so I could follow and comment on other people's stuff. I don't post there because I have everything here, but I do like commenting on great pieces of others. And while struggling to write this, I've just remembered another great thing about 2draw- It's a great way to practice my English. ;) @Flubbles- I don't think art is there simply to generate a discussion, that's only one of the reasons. |
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backmagicwoman (Feb 27, 2011)
I think comments are ok as long as they are not given as in a popularity contest...I notice here that sometimes someone who is maybe new or not as well known as others will draw something that I believe warrants more comments, but doesn't get them...then someone here who is perhaps very popular will draw something and because of their status will perhaps get way more comments than is necessary.
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shults (Feb 27, 2011)
I don't see nothing wrong with it.
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backmagicwoman (Feb 27, 2011)
Well, that's you..and you are entitled to your opinion just like I am...so if I don't like a picture, I'm not gonna comment praises on it just because I like who drew it..that's how people get a sense of superiority around here..
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staci (Feb 27, 2011)
TIME FOR..........................POPCORN!
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shults (Feb 28, 2011)
I meant the other part.. Just because a painting looks good, doesn't mean I have to comment.
There's no "ten comments worth" or "three comments worth" paintings. The way I see it- if you have a say, say it, and if you don't- well.. don't. |
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backmagicwoman (Feb 28, 2011)
Of course u can't comment on everything...i don't expect it..You really werent on my mind when I made the statement...My statement was based on a general observation on how things tend to go around here sometimes.....''new and unknown, but good...no comments..''....''well known and maybe not as good as hype suggests...tons of comments''...it's all about who you are here.
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Flubbles (Feb 28, 2011)
I dont think I get any preferential treatment, but I could name a few who do. It's a you scratch my back and I'll scratch your back mentality. What annoys me is that when somebody new gets some nice comments they go out of there way to comment on those peoples draws, even if those people are rubbish.
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shell (Feb 28, 2011)
Wait what are we doing? Are we seriously bitching about other people getting more comments? Stop, take a second and get your pride back. Ok now carry on.
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backmagicwoman (Feb 28, 2011)
I'm not talking about the rubbish....I'm talking about some good stuff that's overlooked because it doesan'r come with a proper name...there are toobmany good two shoes and brown nose kiss butts around here..and no one can get ahead because all of the comments are being reserved for those people..as for popularity, I know a who'le lot of you around here cannot stand me..and I really don't mind...so in closing i'll say..''gice comments where comments are due..and it doesn't realism or an exact replica copy of someone elses work to be art.''...Draw On!
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Alter.Native (Feb 28, 2011)
I think my question would be, why would you spend hours and hours replicating something someone else already captured or created...why not spend that dedication to something of your very own?very true.. |
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backmagicwoman (Feb 28, 2011)
''stop bitching and get my pride back?''...seriously...lol...my pride never went anywhere honey and if thats how you perceived my comments or perhaps misconstrued my comments..then that's on you..
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Axil62 (Feb 28, 2011)
"Wait what are we doing? Are we seriously bitching about other people getting more comments?"
No, her statement has to do with questioning the sincerity and motive of the comments. It's so easy to wrap it all up in a nice neat little package and put a bow on it and call it "bitching about other people getting more comments". That way you don't have to think, making it inaccurate and inflammatory. |
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backmagicwoman (Feb 28, 2011)
Precisely my point, thank you....
It really never ceases to amaze me when someone blatantly refuses to try and understand someone's elses point of view.. |
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shell (Feb 28, 2011)
Wow ok. I meant Flubs, he was complaining about the preferential treatment going on. And I thought he's already amazing enough not to care who scratches whose back around here. I appologize for offending so many. My comment was not inteded to do so. It's funny, see in my head it sounded more in the spirit of "You're bigger than this, come on, don't act like you worry that your noob neighbour is getting more comments and backs scratched, you've got nothing to prove here, you're already way ahead of the game, this is beneath you, you're legend, be proud". I probably shouldn't have said anything in the first place but yeah I don't think. Or maybe it's the truth that bothers most, seriously. You are all larger than life experienced artists yet you.. not bitch, obviously that was a terribly wrong word to use.. you complain? no?? you.... spend time discussing the unfairness of how comments are distributed... I know this is probably all in my head but I find it ridiculous. People will comment however they feel like, who cares about fair? What's fair anyway. And you guys, the people I look up to so damn much should be above it.
Please feel free to ignore me. I don't think, my logic is probably crap anyway and I'm not worthy of this thread. I apologize again. |
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staci (Feb 28, 2011)
it is bitching. it is that simple. and its ironic because 'people' are exhibiting the same behavior on this post they are 'bitching' about. :) :) :)
carry on! one thing to remember...you can't control what anyone does but yourself. so stop moping and feeling sorry for yourself by saying 'no one likes me' 'my art isnt real art' and talk to the people that do like you. draw what you love. |
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backmagicwoman (edited Feb 28, 2011)
I haven't drawn anything here since Rip Van Winkle fell asleep under the tree..and my mouthy attitude alone has probably cost me any comments I might could have gotten on my next picture...but who cares. No, life isn't fair,but who cares about fair anyway?...I do , I don't know about others..and ai'll tell you something else, telling someone they are larger than life and should be above and beyond caring about any comments they receive just solidifies what I've been sayin...it's all about who you wanna cozy up to...i wasn't aware that trying to get a point across was considered bitchin' and moping and feeling sorry for myself....Bitchin' i do yes...but i never feel sorry for myself....so if people wann act like kiss asses then let it be so.
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staci (Feb 28, 2011)
and it comes back to axil's point...are you complaining that no one cares? are you complaining that people on this site dont think life is fair? are you mad that people get comments? why? what are you getting out of this site that makes you care SO MUCH what other people are doing here, to the point it affects you as a person, which it clearly has. even if it is a popularity contest, so what? what would be fair to you? everyone making a comment on every piece that is submitted? or no one making any comments at all? or if everyone liked you as much as you want them to?
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backmagicwoman (edited Feb 28, 2011)
If it's popularuty then the comments are worthless...If people don't like me I don't care..I'm not complaining..i don't expect people to change because I myself will not either...I wamted to make a point but people are contrary and I am well aware of that...so what good is a comment if it means shit...comment..don't comment..I don't care...and because life isn't fair as so many have have attested, denseness and candy coating will rule the day..and just for the record Staci, I realize thst you and I clash...and that's fine too..but for some reason I had a feeling, howere naive it might have been, that maybe you would at least understand what I was getting at ..
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Axil62 (Feb 28, 2011)
Let me rephrase my original comment/question in a more direct condensed form.
Outside of killing time, online drawings are worthless, so why would someone spend so much time and effort on one? It's to get the warm fuzzy feeling of people patting you on the back. Instant fleeting gratification. |
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enjoydotcom (Feb 28, 2011)
And it is cool to look back at pieces that actually worked really well and think "Hey, I made that". Regardless how many others agree with you.
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Axil62 (Feb 28, 2011)
Well that's all fine, but remember, just try to get enough protein in your diet.
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Flubbles (Feb 28, 2011)
I wasn't bitching about not getting enough comments, I was just pointing out I dont get any preferential treatment. Like I always say, there's no point polishing a turd.
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enjoydotcom (Feb 28, 2011)
But is you wanted to, you can polish a turf and even make it shiny.
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backmagicwoman (Mar 1, 2011)
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Axil62 (Mar 2, 2011)
mmmm yeah mmmm yeah mmmm...hey everybody, it's the U.S.A.!!!
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backmagicwoman (Mar 2, 2011)
Hey Hey!..everybody take a trip today to the USA!
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Axil62 (Mar 2, 2011)
Hey, hey, get outta my way! Just got back from the U.S.A.!
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backmagicwoman (edited Mar 2, 2011)
Hey Hey!...what a day, just got paid in the USA!....
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Axil62 (Mar 5, 2011)
You shouldn't fake a heart attack in front of your wife. Apparently it makes them mad at you.
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backmagicwoman (Mar 5, 2011)
I can't imagine why.
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Axil62 (edited Mar 7, 2011)
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backmagicwoman (Mar 8, 2011)
Why is it that when your'e driving and the sun is out and really bright..and even though it's lovely you can hardly see because it is blaring in your eyes and you pull the sun visor down, but guess what?...it's not big enough to block it...I', gonna invent a big old sun visor.
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Axil62 (Mar 8, 2011)
Oh that's just something short people say.
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backmagicwoman (Mar 8, 2011)
Oh yeah...well...um..well...Hmph!
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karl (Mar 13, 2011)
drawing gets me high. traditional, digital whatever it is, after a good session i always feel lifted. same is true for making/listening to music. same is true for indulging in marijuana. so lets do all of these things at the same time and get triple high! woo hoo!
when we act as creators, it helps us experience the true god that is within us, not the fictional god that resides in the clouds and rapes virgins to produce mystical bastard children. :) |
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Axil62 (Mar 14, 2011)
This is just my opinion, "Karl", so take it with a grain of salt. You're a fuck head.
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karl (edited Mar 14, 2011)
Criticism from an ultra-conservative cock mongrel. Grain of salt received, but these fries could use a few more grains. Got any more? A shaker perhaps?
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backmagicwoman (Mar 14, 2011)
God is good and I love him.
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Axil62 (Mar 14, 2011)
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Flubbles (Mar 14, 2011)
Yea you cock mongrel for preserving the environment.
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karl (edited Mar 14, 2011)
I really got whammied on that one, a whole two letters away from what I was actually trying to spell.
Yeah back magic- god is almost too good to be true.... That is really nice that you refer to god as a "him" since we all know that he takes on a masculine male role as the creator of all things in the known universe. There's nothing sexist about that at all. Or how he created man first and man was a perfect creation and it was that evil female that eventually shunned humans from the perfect garden of eden. Again not sexist whatsoever. I wonder what sex he would be if he were to take the form of a human on earth represented as his own child. Oh wait Keep in mind I am not calling you personally a sexist, you did not come up with the ludicrous bologna that makes up the mass of religion. I would never blame you for being brainwashed, either. It is those that do the washing that I am troubled by. |
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backmagicwoman (edited Mar 15, 2011)
lol..all that...just for me?..I almost blushed..
Look...your'e verbal diarrhea was uncalled for...I didn't say anything rude to you.just expressed how I feel...yet you tried very hard to offend me...I get you, you came here just so you could spout your beliefs and your'e hatred for christianity...and there are lots of other people here who feel as you do..but they don't use this website for that purpose..this is a drawing site and they use it to draw..so if your'e not gonna use 2draw for the purpose in which it was intended then just leave..but if you intend to draw..then shut your pie hole and draw...otherwise I would appreciate it if you wouldn't talk to me anymore and I will afford you the same courtesy.. |
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karl (Mar 15, 2011)
First of all if, I did not mean to offend you. If anything I tried very hard not to offend you by adding the last three sentences. I, just the same as you, am expressing my beliefs. Did I call you a fuck head for expressing your beliefs? No.
I do intend to draw here. I am one of these people axis started this post about who spends a lot of time on drawings, though, which is why it was relevant for me to post in the first place. I simply have not had much time to work yet. |
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tanuki (edited Mar 15, 2011)
I vote that comments and forums be disabled and this site be renamed SU&draw.net
Or let's draw/handwrite our comments like this site- tegaki e Nothing against this thread because it's pretty cool, but it seems like every time I'm gone for a little while and then come back I see that I missed some fight... If nothing else fights would be much more comical to see people's angry handwriting and drawn frowny faces. Wow, if you type su$draw.net into google the first two search results are both 2draw. O_O This and this- link link I know I misspelled that with a $ instead of &, but that's how I typed it in google. Would have been cooler if it actually worked with a &. Also, not that I have anything against religion (I am a practicing Christian after all), but since the thread is about art it'd be really super fantastic if people could talk about art without feeling the burden to express their religious views. Specifically when said views amount to pooping solidified rage all over other people's beliefs and then acting shocked when they're offended. >_> |
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Wraith (edited Mar 15, 2011)
When I draw, it's sort of an escape from reality. Because to me, reality sort of sucks. But, what has recently been taking up my time is Video games. Videos games also give me an escape. Plus the art in video games is amazing. So, I think that is why people spend so much time on drawing, because maybe they are not into video games like me.
Also, I guess the reason I play so much video games, is because I am sort of a loner, and I get some sort of satisfaction talking to people that might not otherwise talk to me in real life. But, in the case with drawing, either online, or on paper, I get into a zone sometimes and the hours just fly by. I think it is the same thing as when a hardworker zones out on his/her work. |
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tanuki (edited Mar 15, 2011)
I draw to make my own reality, in a way. Suppose I draw something from the past, like a castle that's now just ruins. In the drawing that past reality becomes like a present reality. If I draw a place that doesn't exist then it's like it does. You can't go there physically, but you can mentally. Not just one person either, but any person who views it can share in that experience. For me, it's important that art be a shared experience. I don't often draw anything that I don't intend to share with others. Otherwise I could just make that reality by daydreaming. Art is communication in the form of transferable imagination.
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backmagicwoman (Mar 15, 2011)
The main reason I draw here is the comraderie I get from some of the people here...
Now..@karl...you can't put down what I believe in ..call my religion brainwashing and sexist and then say you didn't mean me because I am a part of what you are putting down..and u certainly can't excuse it away by adding three worthless sentences as a half baked afterthought..now, I am trying to get my temper and cursing under control because I know I need to...however I did not call u a ''fuckhead''...and if u don't want to be labeled as such..maybe you should adopt your own advice about people expressing their religious beliefs without being judged for it....because maybe you don't see it but you were acting like a''fuck head''...your'e comment on this thread about reaching for the God in you instead of believing in a virgin raper and etc..etc..was your way of bringing your views into a forum topic that didn't require or ask for that..that's all I'm gonna say..done. |
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davincipoppalag (Mar 15, 2011)
I like pizza
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Wraith (edited Mar 21, 2011)
Dave shut your pie hole!
Edit* All of you just STFU with the food references! |
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davincipoppalag (Mar 15, 2011)
not till I got pizza in it!
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karl (Mar 16, 2011)
"Now..@karl...you can't put down what I believe in" Actually, that's sort of the beauty of free speech. Yes I can put down what you believe in and I will. It's up to you to take it like water on a duck or to take offense by what I believe.
Pet peeve of the day- your vs. you're. Learn the difference. Now let's all eat some fuckin pizza! |
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backmagicwoman (edited Mar 16, 2011)
Pet peeve of the day..dumbshit who doesn't know the difference between conservation and conservative... fucktard....
P.S....his name is AXIL...not axis..you idiot. and by the way..I pointed you out for what you really are and I must say you did try to prove me wrong..what with your lovely three sentences that so touched my heart..hmm..but your'e so stupid, you don't even realize you just proved me right..lol..but your'e young..just a baby really..I feel sorry for your life. |
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Flubbles (edited Mar 16, 2011)
As you get older you come to realise that insulting peoples religion is not a very successful way of making friends, I've tried my best in the past. If I was you I'd judge people solely on their personality. Just aslong as these people are not directly trying to force their beliefs on you I dont see the harm in it. I'm not a strong believer in religion myself, and overall I think religion does more harm than good. But I'm sure in some isolated cases religion can do some good. What I'm trying to say is that if you dont want people to call you names, I wouldn't insult their mum or their religion.
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backmagicwoman (edited Mar 16, 2011)
Flubbles..I just wanted to say that we have always gotten on pretty well together despite our differences..and you might not have written your response about me in particular, but I really appreciate what you had to say just the same.
And @Karl...Karl?...are you a Nazi?. |
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shults (Mar 17, 2011)
"I wouldn't insult their mum or their religion"- That's a line worth quoting :)
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Roytje (Mar 17, 2011)
"And @Karl...Karl?...are you a Nazi?. "
- That isn;t a line worth quoting. I don't know why I did. |
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backmagicwoman (edited Mar 17, 2011)
Golly Gee ROY...I didn't realize that the right to free speech was a right reserved soley for Karl...so in your mind ROY..it's ok for Karl to not ask me if I am...but automatically label me as..a sexist brainwashed follower of a virgin raper...but I can't ask him if he's a' Nazi?..tsk..tsk..that hardly seems fair...and do you know that one of the definitions of Nazi, ROY..is...'' a person who tries to impose their ideas and beliefs on others by the use of downgrading, belittling and degrading what they believe''..so I think it's a very fair question..and I have every right to ask it seeing as how he attacked me first..but I guess in your HAUGHTINESS you conveniently overlooked that little tidbit..so ROY, if you don't like it...don't ''quote'' it..and quite honestly I am sick and tired of you not being bothered to comment on anything else around here except where it concerns some dispute over religion.
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Roytje (Mar 17, 2011)
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tanuki (Mar 17, 2011)
I'm cooking yakisoba... which is better than pizza.
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Suntan (Mar 17, 2011)
I'm cooking Irish Soda Bread... which is better than yakisoba. ;p
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backmagicwoman (Mar 17, 2011)
I'm making Barbecue chicken and collard greens...mmmm..mm!
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davincipoppalag (Mar 17, 2011)
My pizza shop makes a corned beef and cabbage pizza for St Paddy's.. (blech) hehe
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backmagicwoman (Mar 17, 2011)
I love trying new recipes..if anyone has some they wanna send my way.
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Flubbles (Mar 18, 2011)
I guess some people haven't got te balls to keep their texts up, instead they have to delete them and look like an even bigger fool.
Shanghai (Mar 18, 2011)
actually one person was mature/gracious enough to delete it on her own, and the other one I deleted because it was getting annoying having that on the front page of the site. Now let's please all talk about something else~ :)
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