boardsintermediateStreet Fashion

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drawn in 48 min with PaintBBS
Porcelain (Nov 21, 2003)
In Japan, they wear layers and layers of mis-matched clothes. And it's 'cool' to them. XD
Porcelain (Nov 21, 2003)
drawn in 38 min
Porcelain (Nov 21, 2003)
drawn in 5 min
Added more..
Porcelain (Nov 21, 2003)
drawn in 48 sec
mikhail (Nov 21, 2003)
wow u sit on a bench in the park long enuff werin that n ppl will start giving u change cuz ud look like a bum or a gypsey or something
SuzieSuze (Nov 21, 2003)
this is too cute.. and I love the shading on the pink scarf thing. I have trouble making things look wrinkled.. You do it well. Although the green and yellow shirt could use a little shading so it will go with the rest of the picture better. I love her expression as well. Great Job!
Porcelain (Nov 21, 2003)
drawn in 2 min
Fixed up the shirt (a bit). :)
supermonkey (Nov 22, 2003)
X3 Hehe, this one is cute. Your style is amazing. The sleeve with the polka dots on it looks kinda funny though.

Heh, teh Japs so dress like this, I've seen them.. hehe...
Ari (Nov 22, 2003)
Japanese street fashion r0xx0rz j00r s0xx0rz!!! ^_^ Awesome job, love your style!
concannon (Nov 23, 2003)
I love how bright this is; I particularly like the pink. Porcelain, you're under appreciated. We all need to comment on your pics more often. ~__~
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