It's unpredictable..some years we have had snow in late Octobler..some not until January..we have had a couple of near misses for n'oreasters...another one maybe Sunday..we never know
Hey, this is beautiful, really lovely. so nice, yummy. No snow?You've got storms and pounding rain,I hear,and "what's that,in Los Angeles??" huge mud slides?yow. We'll be getting snow at some time this winter,in Oregon,and I'm not looking forward to it,the state goes into heart attack, like it's WW3 or something. WA state next to us, has heavy snow all the time, their schools buses all have tire chains. Lovely picture,thanks for doing it. :)
thanks DBE, yes we have had a lot of rain and one night there was thunder and lightning which is unusual for this area. Washington does get a lot of snow as long as you are not on the coast. My brother lives in Lake Stevens and has a fantastic view of the Cascade Mountains. The Wenatchee area usually gets the first snow fall on Holloween. I love the snow as long as I don't have to drive in it, it's no fun putting on chains. Do you live inland or on the Oregon coast? I have noticed a change in the smell of the air just before it snows, have you or David noticed that?
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