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drawn in 30 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Axil62 (Nov 17, 2010)
Axil62 (Nov 17, 2010)
drawn in 28 min
backmagicwoman (Nov 17, 2010)
This, my friend, is awesome!
padmooks (Nov 17, 2010)

did you ask flubbles for his facebok profile picture, or did he give it to you?
lori (Nov 18, 2010)
he, ah... he looks a little mad I guess you could say
Black_Bird (Nov 18, 2010)
Check out those nostrils, you could plug a hairdryer into them.
Flubbles (Nov 18, 2010)
This looks like axil with long hair.
Axil62 (Nov 18, 2010)
drawn in 1 min
backmagicwoman (Nov 18, 2010)
...yeah!...haha!! that one day with the hose and that pack of bendy rulers..whew! ..boy howdy!..I tell ya kids...keep hold to yer brogans is my advice!
lori (edited Nov 19, 2010)
ya... um.. ok? see I just take the hose, and put my thumb at the end of it.. and make this massive spray and then go ..... oooooo! lookit the rainbows lol nah.. I play with my dog with it! Then he rolls in the dirt and gets all muddy. It's all good. What's a brogan and why are you talking like Axil?
backmagicwoman (Nov 19, 2010)
pardon me for trying to have fun...brogans are work dad used to wear them when he worked for Davy Tree burying power lines and such.
lori (Nov 19, 2010)
how's the new cat?
backmagicwoman (Nov 19, 2010)
.he's bad to the bone.
Axil62 (Nov 19, 2010)
drawn in 1 min
pawillie (Nov 19, 2010)
what happened?
Suntan (Nov 23, 2010)
what's happening?
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