Maybe this user is new and hasn't gotten used to the drawing apps yet? Don't be so ugly to her, maybe she just lost a family member and that's what the "death" means. She has a right to draw what she wants and not be judged about it...
I'm just saying that if someone has something to say about the actual piece of art, then say it but otherwise keep your mouth shut! Don't judge the PERSON judge the ART...all I'm saying, I'm not bashing at anyone I just think that drawing can be used for therapy of the soul and that no one should judge a person for feeling a certain way.
This actual "piece of art" is all about how the person feels. That's what the "art" is about so that's what we'll comment on. Not ev eryone is nice, nor are they required to be. If one decides to dump all their crap out on the table for everyone to see, they should expect comments and if you think there is some set of univeral rules that govern what is and what is not to be expressed regarding the crap on the table then you, little missy, are sorely mistaken.
for all your fuckin sakes ill give up drawin to make ya all happy and i wont have to listen to all your bullshit cuz i aint goin to take it if ya want to see some real drawin ya should see my skech books.and i never asked for any of yas o coment on my drawings so keep your fuckin mouth close or ill close it for ya
for one thing you can not spell, you have poor grammar, use bad language and you make threats that you can't possibly carry out so I would not be supprised if they ban you from the site
No no. No offence, I just thoughtyou were. It's just that you seem kind of stupid. So it must just be the web site. In real life you're probably really smart.
i dont no how to use this site yet my mom is still teachin me so for now i was just drawin things that my therapist taught me.but ima give up on this site if ppl are just goin to put me down
Well let me help you get used to this site. Here is a tip, you don't get to tell anyone how to comment or not to comment. Work on that one for a littl while.
ya, know.. some people teach their kids to try to be nice to people and not judge, despite what they as hardened adults may do themselves... perhaps you 3 should consider a child to be a child and not expect that every other parent in the world has does an awful job with their kids... that said, this is a 13 and up site, and if drawing makes this person feel better, then more power to them
Lori, I think I need you to clarify something you said...
''not expect that every other parent has done an awful job raising thier kids''' that to imply that we feel we did an awful job raising our kids, and not assume that everyone else has done the same?
Trolls live under my bed..I feed them scraps.
this 18 yr old child made a comment that she has a therapist so it may indicate she has a problem which is not necessarily a bad thing because many of us live with some type of problem but the depth of her anger may not make it comfortable for her to use this site unless she can manage to control it
I guess that's a plausible possibility..but eventually she will ahve to realize that you can't control what goes on at a public drawing site which consists of people from all over the world...You could never even hope to control such a situation...
ty lori and mommy for the rest of yous yes i do got an anger problem and im workin on to control it better with the help of my family.and yes i no im not the best speller thanks for tellin me.i am all most 18 i was born in 1993 for you all to no.
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drawn in 5 min
p.s...don't threaten better save that bully shit for someone whose actually worried about you.
axel62 if your not into it then plz stop comenting on everything i write
axil62 okay ill try it
Wow the more trolls the better :D *pets trolls*
Thank you for some insight lori, it is much needed but let's stop feeding the trolls
''not expect that every other parent has done an awful job raising thier kids''' that to imply that we feel we did an awful job raising our kids, and not assume that everyone else has done the same?
Trolls live under my bed..I feed them scraps.