boardsintermediateit goes so fast
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drawn in 17 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
lori (May 7, 2010)
lori (May 7, 2010)
drawn in 17 min
davincipoppalag (May 7, 2010)
yes.. it does~!
firecracker (May 7, 2010)
"lol"......that's comical.....I like!! :)
dorothyblueeyes (May 7, 2010)
yeah,it's called "world fiscal crisis",wich everyone said,would never happen;but some experts predicted the whole world monetary system would fall apart,some day,(see:world bank)because all the countries are living beyond their means on paper money that does not have real wealth behind it;so,as Greece crashes like crazy,the US will do the same thing,in time(maybe soon)cause US is in same fiscal situation as Greece;overspent,for too many years,decades,what it did not have.Now,US is totally in trillions of debt,cannot pay it,and it'll crash horribly like Greece is now.There will not be any money for any services,or states,counties,fed.govt.,and it'll make '29 look like a picnic.

Now,in '29,one advantage was that the US monetary system was not tied to the world;but,now it is.So,once a piece of this crazy"musical chairs"system crashes,like Greece,everyone is scared all the rest of it will crash too.It's the horrible price of globalization.The world's economy is tied together;so,when one drowns,it pulls everyone else in too. I suggest,we unhook ourselves from the rest of the world,NOW. Of couse,it's too late.But once we crash,completely,and food will look like gold to you,it might not be possible to any longer have a globalized economy.For one thing,the oil is running out;it's peak is over. Oil,and it's cheapness,has enabled all this globalization,selling over there,and made over here,and vice versa.Once the oil is too expensive,you'll want to make,sell,ect.,all locally;it will cost too much to globalize it.Of course,the damage has already been done.And,this is only the beginning;it will eventually get much worse.The experts who predicted the last crash,recession,say we are in for much worse,and they were correct before.I would learn to grow food,if I were you.I am.

The good thing about this is,it will eventually "bottom out."However,how bad that will be,when it' bottoms,is asking like how bad your nervous breakdown will get;hard to tell.And,industrial nations still all want the same supply of dwindling experts are afraid,there will be ww3 over it;yeah,World War 3.China,the US,India,the MiddleEast,all fighting over the same supply of oil.Actual war over it.Oh,I forgot Russia,but they have their own supply.Plus;we're having huge climate change!!Global warming.Also,we have an increasing geological upset,more and more;earthquakes,tsunamis,more earthquakes,volcanoes,hurricaines,ect.Crazy extreme weather, Flooding.Melting icecaps.

So,we have fiscal crisis and potential collapse 2.possible world war over the oil. 3. global warming,and bad bad geological upsets,earthquakes,floods,volcanoes,increasingly unstable tektonic Religious people all over are seeing the Apocolypse.Well,maybe a type of one.Oh,I forgot,the oceans are dying.yep. bad that one.(chalk that one into no. 3.)The global fiscal crisis and collapse will not matter,the planet is already dumping on us.Only good news;there will be much less population,with time.No food,water,and anything else.

The more intelligent you are,the worse you're feeling,cause the more intelligent ones see a lot of this coming.I'm 63,I'll be dead before long.I hope.Only sci fi books had the end of the world,I was hoping that would be it,in a book.Not so.My generation thought,"oh,the atomic bomb will destroy us!!!"ha ha,that's such a joke now!!"not with a bang,but a whimper."
firecracker (May 8, 2010)
I'm glad that I'll be long gone before all of this "chaos' and devastation takes place.
davincipoppalag (May 8, 2010)
Do I have time for another pizza first before the shit hits the fan?
Suntan (May 8, 2010)
Morning, you doing...hard to come by, fast to go, you are not kidding. I had to buy brakes last week and yesterday my dishwasher leaked all over the kitchen floor. Not going doomsday, instead, counting the blessings I do have! Have a great day. ;p
lori (May 11, 2010)
hello Suntan :) yep.. always gotta count your blessings and thank God for them... I'm doing ok, though I never really feel up to drawing anymore lately
madscientist (May 11, 2010)
Give God His 10% and count your blessings and all will be well with you! Lori, you'll get in the mood to draw again! Cute pic, well done!:))
lori (May 15, 2010)
dorothyblueeyes... that was alot to try to take in... but I hear where you're coming from.. and I think alot of people your age are grateful that they are your age... it's rather sad. Just have to be satisfied with simple things.. like a smile, or a hug.. or a loving pet. Too much else to fret about these days.
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