I miss my wrought iron skillet =( Don't know where it ended up! How can someone lose an iron skillet??? Nice start on this =) Just had me some eggs, bacon, and biscuit!
I'm sorry for the delay! I didn't know it was sitting in my collab gallery until right now, you never said anything!! I did a little, just laying in some color and adding a bit of dimension. ok, so far? :)
Well, I don't know where you are, but, breakfast is over again..haha..now that the bacon is there, I don't really have any more to put into this so since it is out here, unless you have more to do, I guess just set it to finished..and thanks for the surprise collab! :)
Thanks, guys...I'd like to go back to the bloody mary suggestion with this, or mimosas. ;) Thanks, again, for the surprise, populatis, never had that happen to me before..& it was fun. :)
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i could do bettr.