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drawn in 4 min with Chicken Paint
lori (Apr 29, 2010)
lori (Apr 29, 2010)
drawn in 4 min
davincipoppalag (Apr 29, 2010)
This looks like what you might see when you close your eyes and there are vague colors floating in the darkness.
lori (Apr 29, 2010)
I either see nothing when I close my eyes... or I see neon bright colors... I wonder if anyone else knows what we're talking about lol
madscientist (Apr 29, 2010)
Lovely colors!:)) Ya'll trying to confuse us? LOL
Suntan (Apr 29, 2010)
looks like something from the Hubble.
lori (May 3, 2010)
why that flubbles?
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