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drawn in 1 hour 7 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Roytje (Mar 23, 2010)
Next round, here I come :D
Roytje (Mar 23, 2010)
drawn in 9 min
Miss_DJ (Mar 23, 2010)
davincipoppalag (Mar 23, 2010)
Always love a new Roy...
enirroc (Mar 23, 2010)
I love your blending skills, your paintings are always so nice.
elly (Mar 23, 2010)
Color blend...yummy =)
Layne (Mar 23, 2010)
:) I will agree with everyone else and say that you have an eye for color combination
Teapot (Mar 23, 2010)
Does that mean you've passed the first stage of your application process to art school? *fingers crossed* What you can do with that watercolour tool is amazing.
Roytje (Mar 24, 2010)
Yes, it does :)

Thank you.
Dr.Moony (Mar 24, 2010)
Nice one.
Kick their asses!
Roytje (Apr 8, 2010)
drawn in 58 min
Alter.Native (Apr 8, 2010)
Nice atmosphere! (reminiscent of Turner)
Suntan (edited Apr 8, 2010)
missed this! how, I don't know, but very awesome. They will be very happy to see you in that school. :)
Flubbles (Apr 8, 2010)
How did you miss it? all 56 minutes of it.
Suntan (Apr 8, 2010)
i don't know!! ..need to look around more often at my favorites.
Flubbles (Apr 8, 2010)
He only drew this an hour ago, I wouldn't be so hard on your self.
Suntan (Apr 8, 2010)
lol...haha, I feel much better now. missed that. thanks.
davincipoppalag (Apr 8, 2010)
Bautiful transformation
enirroc (Apr 8, 2010)
I wish I could paint like this. Beautiful work like always. =)
montezmaria (Apr 8, 2010)
Beautiful, relaxing and has a calm feel to it. Looks like an oil painting.
firecracker (Apr 9, 2010)
I does look like an oil painting.......very nice....:)
shell (Apr 9, 2010)
congratulations :D
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