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drawn in 47 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Roytje (Mar 18, 2010)
Roytje (Mar 18, 2010)
drawn in 14 min
davincipoppalag (Mar 18, 2010)
Looks good!
Roytje (Mar 18, 2010)
drawn in 33 min
Something different.
shults (Mar 18, 2010)
You've managed keeping the thumb perfect.

This style is interesting, I'd definately like to see more.
davincipoppalag (Mar 18, 2010)
Miss_DJ (Mar 18, 2010)
I like both versions..but, that smile is wonderful, so it's my favorite of the two.
lori (edited Mar 19, 2010)
this is particularly great... it has a simplicity to it.. but it doesn't look simple at all to have done - well done
starsh (Mar 29, 2010)
Beide versies zijn erg mooi. Het meisje spreekt me wel aan, ze ziet er zo vrolijk uit... iets brengt me de laatste dagen steeds weer terug naar deze tekening
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