100% - zoom in - zoom out
drawn in 53 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
lynnandcharlie (Feb 28, 2010)
lynnandcharlie (Feb 28, 2010)
drawn in 53 min
davincipoppalag (Feb 28, 2010)
the cosmos :0)
elly (Mar 1, 2010)
haha! Cool! Love the hot pinks and all the circles =)
lynnandcharlie (Mar 1, 2010)
it is supposed to represent the magnetic lines and dust in the universe, there is so much mystery out there
vlad.the.hamster (Mar 1, 2010)
I reminds me of this one video of the universe I saw... National Geographic or American History Museum or something or other. It was basically showcasing how small we really are... and someone set it to Muse's Exogenesis Symphony part 1. It was on youtube but got taken down unfortunately...
lynnandcharlie (Mar 1, 2010)
to bad I would like to hear it
lynnandcharlie (edited Mar 1, 2010)
thanks for finding it, I felt like I was taking a journey while listening to some great music
Suntan (Mar 1, 2010)
This has an interesting 3D effect in the thumb :)
lynnandcharlie (Mar 1, 2010)
your right, it does have an interesting effect in the thumb
firecracker (Mar 1, 2010)
This is awesome! It really "pops out" at ya......I enjoyed watching and listening to that video too...Great draw!! :)
lynnandcharlie (Mar 1, 2010)
thank you for your comments
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