I just tried fixing the hand, but it's not working. BMW..I think that is the name of this..from what I'm told anyway..I forgot to ask about the artist at work the other day. When I find out I'll post it. I love them.
I'm sorry, Suntan, but I like the first submission better. I don't think the anatomical correctness of the hand is important here. It's more about what the hand is doing at this moment and where it goes in the next, the slippery skin and the sensual look on her face. You portrayed all of these things very well. I wish you wouldn't act so quickly to the criticism you receive. At least take a day or so to think about it (and make the changes on a separate layer in case you're not happy with them) Make changes if you want to but don't let any of us make you feel like you have to.
drawn in 52 min
drawn in 10 min