ah, smolderin' pink, you mean. Very lovely. It does have a vintage, faded feel to it. I like how much warmer it is in this v as opposed to the last one. The body positioning in v3 is different than v4..I like it better, though I can't quite figure out if she is standing next to a stool, on her knees. Gorgeous hair!
Thanks. Yeah, I did warm up the colors some. I wanted it to look a bit faded and old fashioned but don't think I accomplished that. In the ref photo (which I didn't follow much at all except for the pose) she seems to be kneeling next to a chair. Could be interpreted as rather suggestive, I guess. I'd kill for that hair.
drawn in 33 min
drawn in 20 min
drawn in 26 min
drawn in 48 min
drawn in 3 min
drawn in 48 min