Frigidaire?um,Sears?Man,half of the world's population?Is that,human,or animals?lions can't own em,I guess,people don't either?there's enough of em,the old fashioned ones,to very much f____ up the ozone.New ones don't do that,but,they also can be a child-hazard,the old ones.My mom's family had an "icebox",they put ice in it,in a compartment,to keep the food cold.A student from Oman told me,her family kept their water in a huge tank,kinda like a huge pottery thing,to keep their water collected,and cool.Yeah,no fridge for it.So,you're right.Very good fridge,you are now up to Leitchenstein,or Warhol,or one of those guys. I'm reflecting that, I am so dependent on my fridge,I would not know how to live without it. Spoiled milk,yogurt,eggs,Brewer's yeast,lettuce,tomatoes,thawed out turkey,bagels,how do they live without one?
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