I don't think you need to add eyes. You have portrayed a notion and I don't think accuracy is important in this case. This picture gives the viewer a chance to deal with it. It could stir feelings of fear in someone, pity in another or guilt in someone else. Eyes would make the subject less anonymous and may soften the impact of the picture as it stands. Just my opinion, but I like it as it is.
When I looked at this the first time I didn't even notice the eyes were not there, I could only feel her pain. Now that you've pointed this out its more noticeable but I'm with Jekyll, the impact of the pain is way more importantly portrayed than the importance of the eyes.
I like what Jekyll said about the lack of eyes giving the picture anonymity and allowing for a more personal response from the viewer. I see her as in the midst of a fight...she seems angry to me, not a victim. I love the loose strokes of color. If I ignore the subject matter and look only at the colors and composition I find it quite beautiful, in the way that brilliantly colored flowers are beautiful.
I can relate to this draw.....I know what it feels like to get "beat up".....I was beaten up one time by my first husband, and I didn't even try to fight back because that would've made him hit me harder, so I just layed on the floor and took the beating. I yelled to my daughter to go and call the police....but he grabbed her arm and threw her back against the wall. He could be pretty brutal at times when he was drinking. He also beat up our daughter one time and that was really one of the most brutal things that I ever saw him do. He was a pretty big man too.....he was about 6 feet 2 inches tall, and weighed about 197 lbs. Soooo.....I can look at this draw, and I know the pain that she must be feeling. This really is an amazingly good draw suntan......all your draws lately are awesome.....:)
That's very sad firecracker :( I'm sorry you went through that. Great job Linda. I thought this was patienceisoverrated's.. keep up the good work.. your stuff is all great
I'm thrilled when a drawing brings out comments more than just the "OMG i love it!" comments. I just posted one that may stir emotions but that's not what mine was intended for. This one, Sunny, evokes many emotions I'm sure! It's deep, and it's bright and eye grabbing to get your attention! VERY well done!
Fire, you are a strong person. First, to have survived all the physical and emotional pain you've gone thru, and second, to be able to share it! Blessings to you, my friend =)
Thanks Lori and Elly.....I'm glad that all those bad memories are all behind me now,,,,,but actually it was my daughter who suffered the most pain more so than me. When my husband would get drunk,,,,he seemed to focus all his anger on our daughter, and she was only about 12 or maybe 13 yrs old when he really beat her up badly. He had a dr jekyll and mr hyde type of personality. My daughter is all grown up now and she is a "survivor", and in spite of all the disgusting things that he did,,,,,she still loves him.....I don't understand that, but that's how she feels. He died a few years ago, and I'm certain that he is not in Heaven. And "Noooo flubadub".....I didn't hit him with a giant apostrophe.....only you could come up with something like that...."lol". But I do have a lot of good memories of my time with him.....but the bad ones overshadow the good ones. I blame it all on alcohol.....he would turn into a "mr hyde" when he'd get drunk. Anyways......talking about this just brings back a lot of bad memories that I try to block out of my mind, so I'm not gonna say any more about it....it's all in the past, and he isn't here anymore.
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drawn in 43 min
Fire, you are a strong person. First, to have survived all the physical and emotional pain you've gone thru, and second, to be able to share it! Blessings to you, my friend =)