boardsbeginner"We Made History!"says Obama,of healthcare bill.
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drawn in 2 hours 27 min with Chicken Paint
dorothyblueeyes (Dec 23, 2009)
A labor of sarcasm,and political discontent; Obama has his "machine",but now does it work?Most of the Legislators have not even read it all.Cutting billions out of Medicare,so you have old people with no medical treatment,great.this is not reform, it's a bad expensive JOKE.POOH to healthcare bill!
dorothyblueeyes (Dec 23, 2009)
drawn in 2 hours 27 min
davincipoppalag (Dec 23, 2009)
It's a freakin nightmare
Suntan (Dec 23, 2009)
I don't understand the billions cut from Medicare to help people such as yourself, dorothy. They are rushing to get it through before his State of the Union in January.., it's suppose to insure will you be covered in another way? I was listening to CNN earlier and Gupta was trying to explain some things but he said it is very difficult to get a grasp on it. He also said that in 4 years, 2014, if you don't buy insurance for as little as $94 a month (also said that will increase significantly to $700) you will face a fine. I'm confused.
elly (Dec 23, 2009)
I wonder if the one's who voted for O are kicking themselves about now, or worse?
dorothyblue, in any case...great coloring and textures used!
Miss_DJ (Dec 23, 2009)
yeah, I like the draw, but the rest of this is hard to take this early in the
Flubbles (Dec 23, 2009)
Obama's confused instead of spending money on health care he's been spending all the money on elf care, so thats where all the money has gone.
ebony_virtuoso920 (edited Dec 23, 2009)
ha ha that kinda sounds like a bush mistake
i like how thick the manuel is no one will want to read it let alone understand it
dorothyblueeyes (edited Dec 29, 2009)
Thanks for the compliments about the art;I agree,this is hard to take.Well,I'm not sure what people on Medicare will do;already,most doctors wont take Medicare patients.It's exactly like Bush,to cut the Medicare,and then non-fund Seniors and disabled people's medical treatment;that's what we fully expect to happen.NO medical treatment.The money will be gone. Oh,yeah,all you guys everyone,who does not buy insurance,are going to be FORCED TO BUY IT. OR,you start getting heavily fined by the govt. I say,a revolt is in order.

I detect most people who voted for Obama,to now be wanting to throw him out of office;they're angry at him,cause he's just like a Republican,no diff.So,maybe he's a lame duck.

Canada has it's own problems,like no doctors;they all leave.A Canadian told me that,anyhow.Some people say Canada is good at healthcare,some people say,they die watiing for operations.Maybe it depends on where you are.I read true stories,the equipment in Canadian hospitals, is so old,worn out,they chauffer the patient across the border,to an American hospital,to use THEIR EQUIPMENT. So,I'm not sure;if you're gong to Canada,some new Canadians,from America,say that they are reviled and disliked by the natives,because they consider expatriate Americans to have DUMPED and deserted their country.I would really go there,for a while,first,see what it's really like to live there;(before you abandon the US.)Me,if I thought Canadians would hate me,for moving there,I'd be more hesitant to go permenently.
Roytje (Dec 24, 2009)
No, the people who voted him and who now are angry are lame ducks. Why did they choose him if they aren't happy with his plans?
Bubblicious (Dec 27, 2009)
This is why my mom wants us to move to Canada, they don't have these sorts of problems. She has friends there who tells her this stuff is bullshit...
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