Haha...everytime I see a sign at Burger King about the new Angus burgers..I'll ask my kids.."Hey, y'all want one of the new anus burgers from Burger King...It's 100% real anus meat.."..and then they'll fall into a fit of giggles.
lol..no we try to avoid eating there if we can..my son..who is 15..made memad one time..and i didn't want to cuss at him and call him an asshole so I called him an asking hole...he laughed and said why did I say it like that and my husband pipes up and says becuase you have to ask if u wanna use that hole...
My Uncle is a hog farmer keeping 250+ hogs.....I'd say he's got plenty of pig anus to go around...He might need to chew on sum of dis heer chewin' gum tho I bet....lol
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But this cracked me up.
One of our suppliers has a name that rhymes with anus. So I always say, .... is a pain in my anus.
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