boardsintermediate"No WIRE CLOTHES-HANGERS!!!!!"
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drawn in 2 hours 56 min with Chicken Paint
dorothyblueeyes (Nov 14, 2009)
"cite any references you used",haha.Only the healthcare reform bill,oked to not fund abortions.period.DUH?Because the church has control over our govt.,and can lobby to nix abortion in the trillion buck reform bill??WHAT DO WE WOMEN DO,THEN??Grab a wire coat hanger,you have to pay for abortion yerself,or get private insurance which pays for it.The Democrats gave into political church power,and stabbed we women in the backs.Are these REPUBLICANS,in sheep's clothing?!Joan Crawford would have a fit and scream.As it is,she is the only real MAN in the picture,she has the most guts of them all.("Mommy Dearest"she's not,but she always had guts.Not something I can say about the Democrats.)
dorothyblueeyes (Nov 14, 2009)
drawn in 2 hours 56 min
Bubblicious (Nov 14, 2009)
Well I suppose thats a good thing in the bill then.
backmagicwoman (Nov 14, 2009)
Cool...Is that a quote there from Mommy
firecracker (Nov 14, 2009)
I hate wire clothes hangers!!!!! "LOLZ"! :P
dorothyblueeyes (Nov 14, 2009)
Yes,that's a quote;she said to her daughter,"NO wire clothes hangers!"for her little cute dresses,and she threw a huge monster tantrum.At one point,when getting older,her daughter returned this to her;"I'm NOT ONE OF YOUR FANS."(cue to the Obama comment,"but I'm not an abortion fan.")No,it's not good that they threw abortion out of the healthcare insurance;it's useless insurance,then.If you PAY MONEY,for that govt. insurance,and you NEED an abortion,how come the govt. will not pay for it?highway robbery,as you paid for the insurance,andit's supposed to provide for your medical needs. Lots of taxpayers who will get that govt. insurance,and have to pay plenty for it,want the right to get an abortion on it,if they need it.

The Democrats did all this whooey,about how they would support women's rights,and medical needs,and at the first sign of trouble,they DUMP WOMEN'S MEDICAL NEEDS on the insurance.WHY should we women support the Democrats,and Liberals,when they turn around,and dump us??NO way am I gonna support the Democrats anymore,in anything. You realize,the religious church-leaders influenced our govt. to do this;that means there is NO SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE. Just what everyone does not like,or want,"the govt. and the church combined."And that's what we've now got.on this health bill.ugh. So,if you get this new health insurance,it's also like going to Mass,and seeing the priest.ha ha.
Bubblicious (edited Nov 16, 2009)
Seperation of church and state is so that the government cant influence the church. You know, the whole King James or whoever the hell was King when he seperated from the Catholic church in England? The whole entire reason pilgrims came to America in the first place?

And besides, it's called morals. If I were to get knocked up right now I would much rather either A, take care of the child, or B, give the child to a family who can take care of it, like in Juno. Abortion would never be an option for me.

And it's not useless insurance if you break your back and you can't pay for the medical bill.

But whatever. To each his own.
dorothyblueeyes (Nov 17, 2009)
but if the new insurance is anything like Medicare, which is what I have, single-payer, the doctors are all refusing to accept Medicare right now. They don't want it. So if they make the single-payer exactly like Medicare, nobody will take it, the doctors won't accept it. As for not getting an abortion, that's a medical procedure. That's up to the patient. It's not up to the government, it's up to the person who is pregnant, it's their decision.Medicare is not any good; I can't get needed medical treatment on it. I can't get any specialists to accept it. It took me years even to find a GP who would take it. All the doctors are dumping Medicare and Medicaid, and similar insurance plans, so good luck finding a doctor when you break your back if he doesn't want to take your insurance. I'm having that same problem right now; I'm in a wheelchair, and I cannot get medical treatment to fix my feet on Medicare. I would have to have expensive private insurance to get medical treatment now. That's exactly what I wish I had.
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