uNIVERSITY OF OREGON DUCKS,can go f-- themselves,the big,violent,alumni drunks!I'm going to do a more accurate rendering,later,of their duck-critter,cause I'm an alumni,and we're now disgusted at the drunken,violent,beligerant duck University of Oregon football fans;outrageous;makes us ashamed to be alumni of the university of Oregon(if I ever was proud of it,not very,but worse now).I invite everyone to make fun,satire,of their own old alumni alma mater,and if it's now bad,then make a satire of it.The drunken,nasty tempered"woodchucks","wolverines","wolves"or whatever,should be made fun of,if they're now disgusting.Yeah,sorry,nothing is sacred.If it stinks,make a satire out of it. quack,quack! ;)
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