Cool concept!
I think the composition is a bit unbalanced. You have very strong lines from the top right to the bottom left. look ... but nothing to balance that out really. Makes it look a bit flat because it's so parallel.
Thanks dude. :]
I have a hard time with composition, but I can see how it looks unbalanced now that you've pointed it out. Is this sort of what you mean? link I tried to break up the lines a little.
I think it looks a bit flat because everything is facing in the same direction...the buildings in the background , the spear , the creature and the woman etc...and the creatures left arm looks like its coming out of the chest rather than on the other side of its body.It still looks cool though.
I read a book one time called Coldheart Canyon where this man bought all of these hand painted tiles from these monks and took them to his home and had them istalled in one large room picture by pictue and anyone unfortunate enough to come to this room would be doomed as the tiles would become reality...It was really good..that is what tis reminded me of because the subjct matter of the picture seems very similar to this work..didn't mean to ramble..:) is by Clive Barker...
drawn in 2 hours 21 min
drawn in 18 min
Thanks Dave. :D
I think the composition is a bit unbalanced. You have very strong lines from the top right to the bottom left. look ... but nothing to balance that out really. Makes it look a bit flat because it's so parallel.
I have a hard time with composition, but I can see how it looks unbalanced now that you've pointed it out. Is this sort of what you mean? link I tried to break up the lines a little.
Thanks Suntan and BMW. :D
Oh, that books sounds really neat, BMW. I might check it out.