boardsintermediate"Paul Stanley" of "The Kiss" rock band.....
100% - zoom in - zoom out
drawn in 5 hours 15 min with Chicken Paint
firecracker (Sep 20, 2009)
My 2nd attempt at doing a "Kiss" draw......I'm not quite finished with this....I'm having trouble with his hand....I hate doing hands, but I'm trying. I'm not really a "Kiss" fan, but I like the way they look with their painted faces.....that's why I decided to do a "Kiss" draw. I'm posting this as "finished"......I can always work on it more later....:)
firecracker (Sep 20, 2009)
drawn in 1 hour 46 min
firecracker (Sep 21, 2009)
drawn in 1 hour 6 min
firecracker (Sep 21, 2009)
drawn in 2 hours 22 min
staci (Sep 21, 2009)
nice job :) the proportions of hands always get me too.
firecracker (Sep 21, 2009)
Hi "staci".....Thanks very much for your nice comment.....I do appreciate it. Yea.....hands has always been nearly impossible for me to took me so long just to draw this hand, and I'm still not satisfied with it.....that's why I don't know if I'll be able to improve on this hand or not.....if I can't make it look more proportioned, I'll just have to leave it as it least I tried....."lol"! Thanks again for commenting.....:)
QTgillie (Sep 21, 2009)
hands are a bugger, but I think you have a great start here. I really struggled with Rachel's hand that is very foreshortened also.....I think I spent the most time on her left hand and her hair.
firecracker (Sep 21, 2009)
Hi "Gillie".....Thank you very much for commenting......I'm glad you think I'm doing ok so far with this draw.....I hope I can do more with the hand. I don't know why hands are so complicated to draw.....but they are. Your "Rachel" draw looks fine to do a great job drawing hands. I think you can draw anything, and it would look great. Anyways.....thanks again for your comment......I really appreciate it. :)
ChalkDust (Sep 21, 2009)
There's some really nice moments in this piece, my favorites are the eyes and collar. Nice work FireCracker
davincipoppalag (Sep 21, 2009)
excellent work FC@!
firecracker (edited Sep 21, 2009)
Hi "chalkdust".....thank you very much for your nice comment.....I'm glad you like the "pic". The eyes and the collar were not nearly as hard to do as that darn "hand"...."lol"! The collar is the only piece of this draw where I used the texture tool,,,,,I used it to make the sparkly things on the collar. Sooo.....I'm really trying hard to "not" use the texture tool any more than I absolutely have to...."lol'. Thanks again for commenting......I really do appreciate it. :) Hi "DaVinci"......Thank you very much for your nice comment.....I really do appreciate it. I'm glad you like the "pic"....:)
backmagicwoman (Sep 21, 2009)
I really like the lips and the face...oh..and the cherry ,of course...
firecracker (Sep 21, 2009)
Thanks "BMW" for your nice comment.......I figured you would like the "cherry"....."lol"!! It was fun drawing this "pic".....I love how the "Kiss" guys paint their faces.....I like doing those white faces.....they look really cool! I remember one Halloween when my sister, brother and his wife, and myself all dressed up for Halloween, and I wore a mask that had a painted white face, and black lips, and black around the eyes, and it had real long jet black hair.....and we all went downtown Pittsburgh and went to a couple of bars downtown and we scared the heck out of everybody. We thought there would be a lot of people in costume.....but since it wasn't actually Halloween night.....we ended up being the only 4 people downtown dressed in brother's wife was embarrassed, and she said she'll never do that again. I was having a "blast" though...."lolzzz"...:D
QTgillie (edited Sep 21, 2009)
the only thing is, the cherry? You need a little bit more definition between the cherry and the lips.......ok ok ok, I have had tooooooo much wine this eve....on a Monday? Yes, have not had wine in a long time, and on all the drugs I have been on this summer?.......not a good combo.
Axil62 (edited Sep 21, 2009)
I like the eyes and the collar also. Your last two have surprised me. I guess I should lay off of you. I don't know, you really bug the shit out of me, but sometimes, believe it or not, I get really sick of myself being such an asshole all the time. I don't know what it is and I'll probably feel like being one again sooner or later. Something I need to work on I guess. But seriously, let me ask, are you really that clueless about things? Sometimes I get the impression that you're faking it because you think it's cute or funny and that's even more annoying than if you really are. Not to mention the quotation marks thing. How many words can you type a minute? Are you typing so fast that you just automatically hit the quotations without even thinking about it or what? Anyway, you're a much better artist that I thought.
backmagicwoman (Sep 21, 2009)
I always like yer stuff before..but i find i enjoy it more without all the texturizing....your'e doing a good job...
QTgillie (edited Sep 21, 2009)
Axil, I think that the episode of HOUSE, might have benefited you this eve. I'm just sayin'
Or, Mary Poppins, sugar goes down easier? Just a spoonful is all it takes.
Axil62 (Sep 21, 2009)
firecracker (Sep 21, 2009)
Hi again "Gillie" know "drugs and alcohol" don't mix....."lol"!!! Ok......I can see where I need more definition between the cherry and the lips.....but I'll have to figure out how to do that without messing anything up...."lol"! It seems like everytime I try to "fix" something.....I make it worse....hahaaa! Thanks for commenting.....I'll try to figure out how to fix that!!"lol"!! :) "Wow" Axil......I think you must've been drinking too much wine with "Gillie" tonite......I can't believe you are trying to be "nice"'s so "un you"....."lol"!! I'm using quotation marks just to "bug you"..."lol"!
I like bugging the "s**t" out of you and "flubadub", and you don't have to "lay off" of bugging me......I don't let stuff "get to me" "bug me all you want"!!! hahaaa! You want to know if I'm really that "clueless"??? Well.....when it comes to some things.....yes, I am.....but I know a lot about some things, and not much, about a lot of things....when it come to politics.....I'm pretty much "clueless" when you and others are having one of your political's all "Greek" to me......and that's because I have no interest in politics.....and I don't see anything wrong with that, and I don't understand why that "bugs" you. I know a lot about things that interest me......and I don't care to know about things that I have no interest in. So....I do hope that answers your question about me being "clueless". As for the quotation mark thing.....I don't know why that would concern you.....I learned to do that in school, and it's a habit. The only reason that I'm cutting down on using them, is because Marcello told me to "stop" using them......since he's the "boss" here.....I will try to cut down on using quotation marks. I'm not cutting down on using them because of anything you might's "only" because the "boss" told me to I'm trying. Anyways.....I do appreciate your comment.....I can't believe that you actually like any of my draws.....but I'm really glad that you like my last two draws.....thank you very much.....I genuinely appreciate your nice comment on my draws. Thank you.....:)
Axil62 (Sep 21, 2009)
You're welcome. It's not just the politics that you seem to be clueless about, it's all kinds of things. Really common knowledge things that just about anyone knows. Anyway, I guess you're not faking it to be cute so at least that's something.
Flubbles (edited Sep 21, 2009)
I sometimes wonder being so clueless about everything, what made her get a computer in the first place.I mean most people get a computer for work or school related reasons, or just to google porn.I'm just wondering the reason behind her motive.
staci (Sep 21, 2009)
actually people get computers for many more reasons than that. perhaps she needed to stay in touch with some family out of the country..or she has a son that made her BUY a computer. my grandmother has a laptop and couldnt use it for the first 8 years she had it, now she emails and texts like a pro. she just bought one because it was the thing to do and her sons talked her into it. i bought my first computer because i wanted to draw and play computer games on it :)
Flubbles (Sep 21, 2009)
Yea your right, i just wanted cracker to give me one of her long explanations for it.
Miss_DJ (Sep 21, 2009)
.....I learned to do that in school, and it's a habit...(Firecracker)

I think you're a sweet lady, Firecracker, but it does seem that you truly have not recollected the lesson as it was once taught to you.
Quotations marks are of themselves certainly unoffensive. But the
mis-use of them can be annoying. I know quite a bit about writing having a BA in Education, with a minor in Psychology and also in English.

That being said, this drawing is already one of my favorites of yours, even unfinished.
You're off to a beautiful start so far!

Flubbles (edited Sep 21, 2009)
I have a 10 metre swimming badge and a certificate in cycling proficiency, i only got bronze though because i did a wheely halfway through the test.
firecracker (Sep 21, 2009)
Well "axil"......if you're referring to video games, like nintendo and super mario, and those kinds of things.......I am pretty clueless about them.....and that's because I never bought any.....they were always too expensive......of course I've heard of Super Mario, and nintendo, etc.....but I never knew what they were all about because I never had any.....and that's the same with all the "anime" that a lot of people draw here.....I never really knew what that was all about because I never saw any anime on tv or anywhere else. I see a lot of people like to draw anime, and I'm getting used to seeing it now, and it looks pretty cool.....some of the anime draws are really awesome. I know that some people draw pics of faces that I don't recognize....well....I can't help it if I have never seen that certain celebrity or personality before......I don't know why this kind of stuff would bother you anyways. I have led a pretty sheltered life for a number of years.....but there isn't anything wrong with that. I don't do anything to bother anyone, and I usually try to mind my own business. The way I am has never bothered anyone before.....that's why I can't figure out why it's a problem with you or anyone else here at 2draw. I just come here because I enjoy drawing, and I love to browse thru all the draws by everyone, and I hope by seeing other people's will help me to improve the way that I draw. Soooo.....why should how much I know, or not know about things, be of any concern to anyone but me? Take for example.....if you didn't know anything about certain things "axil" wouldn't concern, or bother me at all......if you never heard of "Super Mario", or anything else.....why would I be "bugged" by that. Your life is your business....and I don't care about what you know or don't know about politics, nintendos, or anything's not important to me. You're a great artist.....and I really like some of your draws....even though I don't understand why you sometimes draw such weird stuff...."lol"!! "Flubadub"......I got my first computer in the year husband bought it for me. I used it for sending and receiving emails to my friends and stepdaughter taught me everything I know about using computers. My husband thought it would be good for me to learn how to use a computer.....he thought it would help to "connect" me to the rest of the world. One of the first things I learned to do on a computer was to go to and play all the games there. My husband also enjoyed playing the games. He bought me my computer in March of 2000.....then he "passed away" in December of 2000......and things have gone "downhill" for me ever since he's been gone. I was with him for 26 yrs, and I still can't get over the fact that he's gone. So.....I spend a lot of my time on the computer.......and I still go to and play games, and I come here and draw, and I used to draw at, and, and That's about all I do on my games and draw. I don't know why that would be a "big deal" to anyone. Anyways......I hope that answers your questions as to why I have a computer, and as to what I do on the computer. :)
Miss_DJ (Sep 21, 2009)
sigh...God love ya, Firecracker. I'm sorry you still miss him. He must have been a wonderful man. (((Firecracker)))
firecracker (Sep 21, 2009)
Hi "MissDj".......yes.....he was a wonderful man......I wish I could bring him back.......but I know that I will see him again someday.....I truly do believe that. I guess you're right about the use of quotation's been a long time since I was in school.....maybe I need a "refresher" course. I really am trying to "cut down" on using them, because Marcello "got on me" for that. I didn't realize that using quotation marks could be so annoying to people. I'm glad that you like my draw.......I hope I can finish it......that hand is gonna be hard for me to try to improve looks ok......but it's still not the way I want it to look.....I might have to leave it the way it is....."lol" :0
staci (Sep 22, 2009)
lol everytime you use quotes now i see joey from friends doing the little quotation marks with his fingers.
Moosh (Sep 22, 2009)
Good one Firecracker. The collar and eyes are neat. :]
enjoydotcom (Sep 22, 2009)
Top notch eyes, nose, mouth, cherry and lips!
Cameo (Sep 22, 2009)
"WOW" Top notch EvErYtHiNg@@!! ;o)
Roytje (Sep 22, 2009)
No textures? :(
firecracker (Sep 22, 2009)
Hi "Staci", and "Moosh", and Enjoy", and "Cameo", and "Roytie"........Thank you all very much for all of your nice comments.....I appreciate it very much, and I'm glad you all like the pic. "Roytie"......the only place where I used a little bit of texture is on the collar......I had to use the scattering tool , and also one of the texture tools.....and then I used the dodge tool to make it sparkle. I'm really trying to keep texture to a "minimum"....."lol". "Staci"...I used to watch "Friends" all the time.....Joey was my "fave" character. Thanks again for all of your comments.....I really do appreciate all of your opinions, comments, constructive criticism, suggestions, etc......:)
shults (Sep 22, 2009)
I loved your use of textures in here, even though I think it's unnecessary most times-->
firecracker (Sep 22, 2009)
Hi "shultz".......Thanks very much for your comment......I really am cutting down on using "textures" this pic I only used it for the sparkly things on the collar. In the pic in the link that you provided here.....I really did overuse the textures.....that particular pic would've looked better without all that texture. I'm trying to limit my use of using texture unless it's absolutely necessary. In this pic, I felt that it was necessary to use it for the collar. I'm glad you like the pic, and thanks again for commenting.......I really do appreciate it. :)
bette_davis_eyes (Sep 24, 2009)
this is really great firecracker! and it's now my new fav of yours :) great job on holding back on the textures too!
firecracker (Sep 24, 2009)
Hi "Bette"......Thank you very much for your nice comment.....I really appreciate it, and I'm glad you like the pic. I'm probably gonna go ahead and post it as "finished".....I'm afraid if I try to do any more to the hand....I'll just mess it up....."lol"... thanks again for commenting.....:)
GreyGhost (Oct 12, 2009)
My eyes are drawn to the sparkle; a nice contrast with the softness of the rest of the picture :)
firecracker (Oct 13, 2009)
Hi "GG"......thank you very much for your nice comment......I really appreciate it......:)
Blackmoon (edited Nov 14, 2009)
i thinks all of your stuff is pretty nice although i always feels like there is a lack of contrast and definition ,wich could give it much more edge, anyways good pic
Flubbles (edited Nov 14, 2009)
Stop talking you're embarrassing yourself.
Blackmoon (edited Nov 14, 2009)
unlike u flubbles i am not denying what is i am simply stating my opinion :)
firecracker (Nov 15, 2009)
Hi Blackmoon......Thanks very much for your comment......I do appreciate it. I welcome any kind of constructive criticism....that's the only way to learn what I need to work on to improve on my draws. I never had any kind of training in art.....I just like to draw pictures, and I am still a novice, and need to learn a lot more about drawing. I know I'm not very good with contrast and definition, and I also know very little about perspective.....but I just keep trying, and hopefully in time I'll improve. Thanks again for commenting.....I appreciate any advice you can give me. "Flubadub"'s a 'free' country.....everyone is entitled to their own opinion.....even "you"!! "haha! :P
Blackmoon (Nov 15, 2009)
well if i can suggest you could try buying burnes hogart book on light and shadow, i draw all the time too and learned anatomy with books wich helps me understand the ''3d side of things'' i think u have a strong sens of color and composition, but i would really like to see a little more dept and constrast to your stuff! but i think ur on the right path ,since accepting critique is really the best way to learn like you say :D
firecracker (Nov 15, 2009)
Hi Blackmoon.....I never heard of Burnes Hogart before, so I "googled" him. I think I will take your advice and try to get some of his books. I think I could learn a lot by reading them. I don't understand the "3-D side of things....and I really would like to learn as much as I can to improve my drawing. I love to draw, but I have a lot to learn yet. Thanks again for your comments and advice....I really appreciate it. :)
paintbrush63 (Dec 7, 2009)
firecracker (Dec 7, 2009)
Hi "paintbrush"......thanks for the nice comment......I'm glad you like this pic.....I kinda like it too. I still don't feel like an artist yet.....I have a lot to learn, to improve my draws. I'm still an "artist wanna be"...."lol". I can do good on some pics, and I have problems with other pics.......this one turned out ok though. Thanks again for commenting.....I appreciate it. :)
tomm (Jul 14, 2011)
i love paul stanley
Wraith (Jul 18, 2011)
"Drawing looks good firecracker. Just wish it was Gene Simmons instead." -Wraith
firecracker (Jul 19, 2011)
Thanks for the nice comment tomm....I appreciate it. I think Paul Stanley is kinda cute......LOL! :)
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