boardsintermediateAzn Boi

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drawn in 53 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Jiisan (Aug 19, 2009)
I haven't been on here in forever D:
Jiisan (Aug 19, 2009)
drawn in 20 min
SaiWataki (Aug 19, 2009)
Asian boys are so hot <3
Jiisan (Aug 19, 2009)
drawn in 54 sec
Jiisan (Aug 19, 2009)
drawn in 21 min
ack homework time :C
firecracker (Aug 20, 2009)
I guess that some asian guys are hot......but I think the majority of them are too short and too skinny and kinda homely. But then there are guys like "Jet Li", and Bruce Lee, and Brandon Lee who are really nice looking, and really awesome "martial artists". I'm a "fan" of "martial arts". I'm not "putting down" asian guys, but most of them are just "not" very attractive looking.
SaiWataki (Aug 20, 2009)
*gasp* O.o how could you say such a thing! xD
enjoydotcom (Aug 20, 2009)
To you they are not attractive looking, but to others they are.
SaiWataki (Aug 20, 2009)
Everytime one looks at me I blush xD
How could you NOT be woed by them.
firecracker (Aug 20, 2009)
Seriously......I'm not "putting down" asian guys.....I'm just saying that the majority of them are not attractive. In all the films I've seen with asian guys in them.....the only attractive ones are the "stars" of that particular in a Bruce Lee movie......he is usually the only "hot" looking guy in the movie......all of the other asian guys are usually just below average looking, and too short and very skinny. Brandon Lee was one of the handsomest asians that I've ever seen.....he wasn't short because he was only half asian, and half white. But.....I'm not being's a fact that most asian guys are very short and very thin, and have less than average looking faces. On the other's a fact that most asian women are very attractive.....I don't know why that is.....but that's the way it is.
Jiisan (edited Aug 20, 2009)
Haha it's all good firecracker. And thanks so much. (personally I agree with you but look up the Korean band Super Junior. Them azn boiz are fine C:)
firecracker (Aug 20, 2009)
I'm sorry "jisan".....we're not really fighting here......just commenting on our different opinions. I like your draw though....very nice "pic". :)
Jiisan (Aug 20, 2009)
drawn in 9 min
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