boardsbeginnerstand up and think.
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drawn in 10 min with Chicken Paint
CarmineDawn (Aug 18, 2009)
question everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CarmineDawn (Aug 18, 2009)
drawn in 10 min
Axil62 (Aug 18, 2009)
I agree
firecracker (Aug 18, 2009)
"LOL"!!!! :D
lori (edited Aug 19, 2009)
lol, I thought this was funny too... there's a time and place to question everything, but if you want to relax, there's that too - I don't care to be a germaphobe, or a constant everythingphobe, though sometimes I am, especially being a mom.... I was told stagnant water breeds mosquitoes... they used to go around with trucks and spray neighborhoods when I was real young... but everyone's too 'phobic' now... people try to figure too much out, maybe God didn't intend for us to... but hey "enquiring minds want to know"... There are some things I'm really curious about but that at the same time I know I won't like the answer, so I let it be... but as you get older, things unfold. Just be wise, and don't let the media drag you down. I sent them an email once saying if all that's on the news is sick stuff, that's all the world'll be...
firecracker (Aug 19, 2009)
I agree "Lori".....I try not to let the "media" drag me down either......I try to block out listening to all the crap that's on the news......I try to listen to the "good" stuff.....for instance.....I did hear some good news today.....I heard that Bret Farve came out of retirement again.....and this time he chose to "sign" with the "Minnesota Vikings. I thought that was interesting and good "down to earth" news!!! "LOL"!! I can't wait till the Pittsburgh Steelers play the "Minnesota Vikings this season.....that should be an interesting game!!! "Go Steelers"!!!! "LOL"! :)
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