you're not the greatest man that ever lived but I'm glad you think you are, 'cause that's a good attitude... well what do I know.. this is all art... "I had a dream" MLK I've been sleeping black lately, what am I dead? oh did you hear the ad for the Bodysnatchers movie? I don't like the sounds of it. At all. Nosy people. stupid internet. Why am I here? 'computers are necessary? hmm, I guess. Addiction. Sigh. Computers go down and cost a hell of a lot more money than paper does. Inflation. Sigh. Gimme a dirt road. Wait, I already drew that. Thank goodness they're teaching Tom Sawyer this summer. ok, I'm done :)
drawn in 1 hour 7 min
drawn in 37 min
drawn in 1 min