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drawn in 1 hour 18 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Moosh (Aug 5, 2009)
This is supposed to be Ellen Page if you can't tell. I had some proportion problems...
Anywho, I just watched An American Crime... it was a bit disturbing. D8
Ellen was great in it, though.
Moosh (Aug 5, 2009)
drawn in 1 hour 18 min
sofballchik0323 (Aug 5, 2009)
this looks really good! i could absolutely tell that it was ellen page. :) just wondering but is her hair really short or is it just in a side ponytail or something? lol
Moosh (Aug 5, 2009)
Thanks! :]
Umm, I'm not sure... kinda looks like it's short in the photo, but I can't really tell.
here's the ref
Flubbles (Aug 5, 2009)
It cant be any more disturbing than hard candy!
backmagicwoman (Aug 5, 2009)
It's a lot more disturbing than Hard Candy..not to mention it's a true story...There is another one called The Girl Next Door that is very similar...
Flubbles (edited Aug 5, 2009)
Oh! i just youtubed it, ive watched that film before! I watch so many film's i forget.
Magnetic (Aug 5, 2009)
She looks familiar, but im afraid i havent seen that show/movie? Good job, i love seeing rough sketches like this, it gives you a rough idea of how people go about drawing something.
ChalkDust (Aug 5, 2009)
Yeah; she definitely looked familiar sitting on the front page. : ) This is beautiful, you've got an awesome style
davincipoppalag (Aug 6, 2009)
I see her in there for sure
Moosh (Aug 6, 2009)
thanks y'all. :]
I haven't watched hard candy yet. I'm not sure that I'd want to if it's worse than the other one. Gah D8
backmagicwoman (Aug 6, 2009)
You should watch it..I think it proves a very valid point....
Flubbles (Aug 6, 2009)
It's that bad for women! Some young girl torture's and chop's off a pervert's dick.
backmagicwoman (Aug 6, 2009)
As well she should...molestation and child abuse run rampant in the world..and with little being done about it..I say cut it off!..If someone ever touches my daughter in the way of hurting her..they will wish cutting off their dick was all i did....
enjoydotcom (Aug 6, 2009)
I thought "Hard Candy" was annoying. To me it wasn't inconclusively proven that the jerk was a bastard.
Flubbles (Aug 6, 2009)
I watched doubt the other day with philip seymour hoffman and meryl streep, there was a simular scenario there.
sofballchik0323 (edited Aug 6, 2009)
I tried to watch doubt one time but i couldnt get into it, so after like fortyfive minutes of them just sitting in the convent place i just gave up... did it get more exciting after that?
backmagicwoman (Aug 6, 2009)
I didn't watch Doubt either...I was going to at one point but I was told it was really dull...
Flubbles (edited Aug 6, 2009)
It got a little more exciting, but it was'nt really one of those film's with bell's and whistles.It was more of a thought provoking film that was trying to get a message across very subtly.benjamin button was my favourite film ive watched recently.
Moosh (Aug 6, 2009)
I'm trying to watch hard candy, it's pretty boring so far. :/
enjoydotcom (Aug 6, 2009)
How far into it are you? It will get less boring. But I really didn't care for it.
Moosh (edited Aug 6, 2009)
I'm at the part where she cut his balls off... o.O
Yeah, I don't really care for it either.

edit: nope, still has his balls.
meh, the ending was okay. wouldn't want to watch it again, though.
shults (Aug 6, 2009)
We could've guessed you didn't care for it much, as you stopped two times during the movie to comment here.
firecracker (Aug 6, 2009)
I'm not familiar with Ellen Page.....but this is a really good draw!! :)
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