forumsthe post boarda poster of sorts
lori (edited Aug 4, 2009)
Put a label on me. I will peel it off.
Some people would love to borrow it.
Screw them.
And screw them for being jealous
in a world where the bottom
rung of the ladder works, so the one at the
top can feel good about what they're doing
I'll stay here on the bottom, and I will hold you up
but I will not borrow your label.
No friggin' way.
I will only question what did you step on to get to the
top? Watch your step.
If you fall, fall to the side so I can call for help.
And don't ever call me crazy for being born with a chemical imbalance.

(it took me over 20 years to say this)
davincipoppalag (Aug 4, 2009)
You tell 'em.
elly (Aug 4, 2009)
Excellent!! SO TRuE! and I know exactly how you feel! You GO GIRL!
Axil62 (Aug 6, 2009)
Listen to this.
NekoChibi (Aug 6, 2009)
So true. I feel the same way ^^.
backmagicwoman (Aug 6, 2009)
I really feel sick after listening to that..especially with two elderly parents who need constant medical care....Especialy the part about medicare recipients being made to go to a counseling session every five years to only be told by some moron how they should end their life quicker so as not to inconvenience the world....I bet no member of obama's family will ever have to sit through a counseling session like that...
lori (Aug 6, 2009)
that's ONE reason I'm so bent lately too
backmagicwoman (Aug 6, 2009)
I understand..
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