boardsbeginnerSabaku no Gaara
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drawn in 17 min with Chicken Paint
JackSpicerLover19 (Jun 9, 2009)
Well, I had some spare time so I drew one of mah fave characters from Naruto, GAARA OF THE DESERT!!!! >w<
Sorry if the hair, eyes, gourd holder and the white thingy (sorry, can't find the right word there! ^__^") aren't perfect, I did my best. And I didn't want to ruin this Gaara drawing with the gourd, cuz I sux with that.

PS: Gaara Lovers, I'm NOT one of you, I like Gaara cause he is so fricking awesome.

Sabaku no Gaara, Masashi Kishimoto (spell check? ^__^")
JackSpicerLover19 (Jun 9, 2009)
drawn in 17 min
SPfan-96 (Jun 10, 2009)
looks great ^_^ gaara is my favorite caracter in naruto >v<
JackSpicerLover19 (Jun 10, 2009)
Thank you! =^__^=
toonlink101 (May 16, 2010)
i like this!^/////^ accutally LOVE not like!!!=^_^=
JackSpicerLover19 (May 17, 2010)
Oh, thank you! X]
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