boardsadvanceda point of Data
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drawn in 7 hours 59 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
The_Chosen (Apr 28, 2009)
...I just remembered while drawing this why Data freaked the hell out of me when I was a kid.....HIS EYES! They were so light that most of the time the irises look white instead of yellow so it's almost like he didn't have any. O.o
The_Chosen (Apr 28, 2009)
drawn in 2 hours 37 min
backmagicwoman (Apr 28, 2009)
He freaked me out because of that crazy pancake makeup they used to put on him...weird...Looks like a good start though...:)
The_Chosen (Apr 28, 2009)
I was too young to really register that he had on makeup when I first saw Star Trek : the next generation. I started watching it recently and I feel kinda sorry for the guy that had to feel awful having that stuff all over his face and hands......
now that he doesn't freak me out Data is actually my favorite character
backmagicwoman (Apr 28, 2009)
He's pretty cool...I used to watch star trek all the time when i was younger...I was that really geeky girl who watched that kind of stuff and collected comic books suoer hero figurines..when the other girls were dating..I was home reading and the guys were all weirded out by me... and stuff like that..wait a minute..I still do could probably open my own comics store by looks good..I knew who it was right away....
The_Chosen (Apr 29, 2009)
drawn in 41 min
davincipoppalag (Apr 29, 2009)
Data was a favorite character. Great job on him
Bubblicious (Apr 29, 2009)
Not a huge fan of Star Trek, Star Wars was my thing, Course, people say you couldn't have Star Wars w/o Star Trek. Really good job on him!
Kraisa (Apr 29, 2009)
neat! Star Trek rocks my socks!
The_Chosen (Apr 29, 2009)
drawn in 1 hour 59 min
....working on it....
firecracker (Apr 29, 2009)
Nice draw!! I never got into watching "Star Trek" I don't know who this guy is. My sister was a "trekkie" fan though. :)
The_Chosen (May 2, 2009)
drawn in 1 hour 20 min
The_Chosen (May 2, 2009)
drawn in 53 min
The_Chosen (May 2, 2009)
drawn in 26 min
I think that I am going to call this finished...
backmagicwoman (May 2, 2009)
very nice finish...
bette_davis_eyes (May 2, 2009)
great job on this!
Airdrahana (May 2, 2009)
I like the texture on his uniform. The blurred background really makes him stand out.
QTgillie (May 2, 2009)
nicely done. I didn't like data at first but he grew on me. We went to the movies this eve and I saw the preview for the new Star Trek movie, next weekend, it comes out. Cant wait, spock looks awesome.
The_Chosen (May 3, 2009)
Thank you for the comments^_^
ShiShi-Danna (May 6, 2009)
wow...idk how u did the advanced chalk affect but it rocks. You and ur damn backgrounds XD
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