Aww this is great QT! Love that jacket!! It's almost like you took your drawing of the characters, cropped them out, and placed them over the background! Great effect!! I hope FC see this soon!!!
"Wow"! "Gillie"!!!! I love this!!!!! I also enjoyed the link that you posted.....brought back many fun memories. Thanks soooo much for this great draw.....I love it. I hope you'll finish it. I'm still smiling at this one!!"lol"! :)
Hey, FC, I posted a couple of links on Clarabell also, you should check them out....brought back memoris for me. They are not so clear but do the trick. Thanks Elly, just used the layers....I think there is for the bg, one for the characters on one just for the spyglass.
I'm gonna check out the links you posted on did a fantastic job on Clarabelle too. I wish I could draw like you..."lol"! You used 3 layers on this draw? It really looks fantastic. I'm really going to start experimenting with the layers. I tried using them at "FG".....but it wouldn't work for me. I never tried using them here....maybe I'll have better luck here, than at "FG".......I dunno....I think I'm "jinxed".."LOL"!
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drawn in 2 hours 58 min
I couldn't find footage of flubadub so here is a surprise from Clarabell
drawn in 6 min