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drawn in 11 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
pencilhero (Mar 28, 2009)
I cant take this anymore i got polyethylene foam in my hands and i cant remove it T____T
pencilhero (Mar 28, 2009)
drawn in 11 min
davincipoppalag (Mar 28, 2009)
Kostas Plasticfingers! hahahahah
pencilhero (Mar 28, 2009)
T___T i cant move my joints the mold is hardening damn i guess i ll need sandpaper T__T
davincipoppalag (Mar 28, 2009)
Suntan (Mar 28, 2009)
Good one, it's a nice job!
firecracker (Mar 28, 2009)
This is really good.....the water looks very realistic. Nice one. :)
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