oh sunny....this is so different from you.....I am liking it. Looks sorta like you are taking lessons from some folk here...wow, and so fast, this is so creative.
There's an old couple who live across the road from me, Mr and mrs turner! they must be in there late 80's .Well me and my mum popped around there house one day when i was younger and mrs turner told mr turner to show us his big toe, he had the biggest bunyan ive ever seen it was the size of a golf ball, Mrs turner then said i wish i'd known he was going to have this bunyan when we was courting i'd never of married him.
That is just gross, who shows their neighbors a bunion lol...feet are just nasty things. My mom has two about the size of a marble, maybe on a little bigger on one...she said she had shooting pains in it....makes me skeerd. =:s
You best be carfeul or else the big hairy toe monster will get you while your sleeping at night! My bro's a landscape gardener and the woman he's doing the garden for recently went in to hospital to have her bunyan amputated.
drawn in 16 min