Procrastinating my essay. Due tomorrow. It's now almost midnight. haha.
weird perspective issues and stuff, don't feel like figuring it out yet, but I'll have to fix it before I move on... any tips?
My tip is to turn this rough sketch into an advanced drawing, which I'm sure you can do if you put some more time into it. and no, I don't mean that nasty, just as a suggestion to keep moving forward with this. Good luck with the essay!
Well, duh, Miss DJ. The only reason I posted this so early is because I want to get help on some weird perspective/anatomy issues so they don't bite me in the ass later on. Thanks, I still haven't finished the essay. haha. *senioritis to the max*
oh forgive me Senor Vlad. Guess I saw any open door and shouldn't have walked through is a 'duh,' isn't it. Well..have fun finishing it..I'm sure you'll do great!
Tofu! So this is what you have been doing all this time. :P
Looks like a real relaxing scene, with her lounging, and the blurred background.. Though I expect that you're going to make it sharper right? Love your lineart and shading, and the way you've drawn her features - you've improved! And it seems to me that you're going for a different style.. All the chalkiness :3. How do you get that with Lascaux anyway?
It's got potential. ^^ Can't wait to see the finished product! Good luck with it, and your essay!
Ao: for the "chalkiness" there's two bars at the bottom left corner of lascaux labeled "i:" and "d:" Moving the D one down gives you the "chalkiness." (and i makes halftone patterns. ;))
Very nice draw......I like how you got that chalky effect in this draw. Next time I use lascaux, I'll have to check out that feature, and see if I can do a chalky effect too. Very nice picture....I like that little bird. Her arms and legs seem to be a little on the thin side, but she still looks great. :)
drawn in 22 min
weird perspective issues and stuff, don't feel like figuring it out yet, but I'll have to fix it before I move on... any tips?
drawn in 18 min
drawn in 25 min
Looks like a real relaxing scene, with her lounging, and the blurred background.. Though I expect that you're going to make it sharper right? Love your lineart and shading, and the way you've drawn her features - you've improved! And it seems to me that you're going for a different style.. All the chalkiness :3. How do you get that with Lascaux anyway?
It's got potential. ^^ Can't wait to see the finished product! Good luck with it, and your essay!
drawn in 26 min
drawn in 6 min
drawn in 14 min
drawn in 14 min