Man I can't wait to see it finished D: It's going to be amazing!!!! :D
Elementalist (Mar 6, 2009)
drawn in 2 hours 13 min
I hate blackguard armor. It's hard not to make it look like Disciple of Kain armor.
Elementalist (Mar 8, 2009)
drawn in 6 hours 37 min
Left it open while doing other things. The only real accomplishment here is a color palette and some placement of color. His body disturbs me, it doesn't seem long enough...
...That wasn't the subtle forest I had in mind, but the applet was lagging something fierce. I'm thinking an Underci- I mean, Inevitable City background is more appropriate anyway. Hrrmm... Hand-drawn text, not really looking forward to that. I wish I could've thought of a play on "Never fall in love", but all I could think of was "Never lose aggro" or "Never run out of hate", but it's just too different.
drawn in 38 min
drawn in 2 hours 13 min
drawn in 6 hours 37 min
drawn in 46 min
drawn in 2 hours 8 min
drawn in 10 hours 18 min
drawn in 1 hour 26 min
drawn in 2 hours 41 min
drawn in 2 hours 9 min
drawn in 1 hour 36 min
drawn in 36 min
drawn in 40 min