Hi, flubby, just enjoyed the hell out of your animation. I can't get over how you lay on the paint to create planes and valleys. This is so beautiful. Never stop! ;P
I'm glad you did, I missed this one somehow! The shading and colors on the face are fantastic, and I really enjoy the subtle use of tones on the clothing. It's an amazing picture.
Weird right, that incredible stuff like yours and some others don't get many comments, and others get an automatic "great draw" or a "kawaiiii" comment. Anyhoot, very good drawing.
Not everybody gets the recognition they deserve, im not about to get shit faced on absinthe and chop off my ear though! there's other people who dont get comments they deserve either, it pisses me off but what can we do about it :p I'll finish this off later before i start another old masters drawing, i'll probobly only get 3 comments for that aswell.
It's quite often that I see pieces I love, (yours and others') and think they're almost perfect, but still don't comment. That's simply because i dont have anything better than 'wow, this is so good' to say. And i'm tired of saying it.
more than that, I believe you know how good you are, you don't need me to boost your ego, right?
-and there are always those who find even beginners' works awesome. they will most likely like yours too.
do you have a sketch pad? do you have endless canvases of unfinished paintings in your closet/garage that no one sees? ever doodle for hours on scraps of paper and just throw it away after, or stuff it in a portfolio full of the same?
Im more of a doodler! ive got a scrap book i sketch things in with a pencil or biro.Ive got a biro with 5 different colours aswell so i sometimes colour them. I used to paint all the time for relatives, mostly in oils sometimes acrylics or water colour, ive not been painting that much recently though! in the last 10 years you can count on your fingers and toes how many paintings ive done.The last proper painting i did was a painting for my dad who was dying at the time with cancer, i finished it the week before he died, ive still got to frame it.That was like 6 years a go now, and i think my skill level has improved alot since then.Its a shame really since i found online drawing ive not got alot of worth while traditional drawing or painting done.Shit happens thats life :p
gosh darn this is good, and so nice to see you commenting...I love it. I knkow we keep having this discussion but as good as this is, on my computer screen it has red and green blotches on his skin and his hair. You have said in the past that my screen is not as bright as yours probabally, but I think mine is too bright and therefore intensifing the greens and reds. As I have said before, when I see my draws on screens at school, they are not nearly as bright as I see them when I am drawing them. This concerns me because I think that people are not seeing what I intend my pics to look like. Well....enough said about that....
This is so well executed in every way. Your sense of propotion and subtle lighting that these masters are bringing out in your work is so nice to see. Keep them coming Flubbles.
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Great skills and I love the colors..
more than that, I believe you know how good you are, you don't need me to boost your ego, right?
-and there are always those who find even beginners' works awesome. they will most likely like yours too.
just curious.
This is so well executed in every way. Your sense of propotion and subtle lighting that these masters are bringing out in your work is so nice to see. Keep them coming Flubbles.