boardsbeginnerTwilight Karma
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drawn in 2 hours 33 min with Chicken Paint
CarmineDawn (Feb 9, 2009)
CarmineDawn (Feb 9, 2009)
drawn in 13 min
CarmineDawn (Feb 10, 2009)
drawn in 29 min
CarmineDawn (Feb 10, 2009)
drawn in 30 min
CarmineDawn (Feb 11, 2009)
drawn in 24 min
CarmineDawn (Feb 11, 2009)
drawn in 17 min
firecracker (Feb 11, 2009)
Very sultry looking....she looks like she could be very "high maintenance"! "LOL"!! I like the sparkly eyes, and the sparkly jewel on her arm. Great draw!! :)
CarmineDawn (Feb 14, 2009)
drawn in 8 min
CarmineDawn (Feb 14, 2009)
drawn in 5 min
CarmineDawn (Feb 14, 2009)
art has no rules. just emotion. what is meant exactly by advanced? size? content? on a personal level I never knew how to use the applications before I was old school like paint brush and paint.
Nekoampy (Feb 14, 2009)
That's a lovely thought(cough), but enjoydotcom is right. Don't try to brush away rules with this trite truism of "Art is emotion!!!", and if that's what you think then it shouldn't matter to you where your art is put as long as you believe it's art.
Roytje (edited Feb 14, 2009)
"on a personal level I never knew how to use the applications"

That's one of the reasons why it isn't advanced. Keep practising with the tools, but not on the advanced board. :)
CarmineDawn (Feb 14, 2009)
Only draw here if you have existing examples of your work on the intermediate boards. I did . and I like the size that way I can take it and use it in another program. so what makes it not advanced? I learned the tools. wow Ive never had my work critiqued until it was done. but thank you Ill keep your comments for future reference.
hladrillo (Feb 14, 2009)
wow. somebody needs to get laid. don't be a bunch of art nazi and get that pine cone out of your arses. It's just a website that let's you draw. Enjoy it! Freakin' knowitall kids!
CarmineDawn (Feb 14, 2009)
LOL art nazi haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa NO ART FOR YOU!
I agree just make art just wake up at 5am put on some goldfrapp drink some coffee draw your worries away, because for that swift passing of time nothing concerns me, Im just content. and I finally have time for art. but not when Im wasting it trying to explain myself or defend my art.
enjoydotcom (edited Feb 14, 2009)
Calling someone a nazi is not funny.
The other drawing (your latest), you can not defend, that is just spam.
CarmineDawn (Feb 14, 2009)
what??????? its not even done. dude no wonder you were called a nazi.
hladrillo (Feb 14, 2009)
I'm sorry but this has piqued my interest. So a little story:
Van Gogh's painting was hated by his peers. It didn't quite meet their "standards" or "tastes."
Picasso's blue period was hated by many--especially the snooty, 'pfft, my kids could draw better than that."

Point is, taste. Art is to its own beholder.
Standard, if art had a standard, this in the category of technical, skills, approach, execution, and whatever jargon... it seizes to be the artist's rendition but what is set as the "standard". In other words, it's just another sheep in a field of sheeps.
As for the Rules in the Board, seriously? There's s book of rules called the bible and i reckon i break those rules 600 times a day if not more... and the punishment for it is eternal damnation in hell.

Lighten up.
enjoydotcom (Feb 14, 2009)
Dude? Get your facts straight.

And by standards I mean, a level of skill and knowledge of the tools.

The rules of the bible are a load of .... so I don't care for them they are overrated and aged.

Damn, you state your opinion that something is not advanced, even saying it is nice : "Bam, your head gets cut off".
Wish the mods were here again...
CarmineDawn (Feb 14, 2009)
well said. and with mention of two of my most favourite artists. and just to note hitler was an amazing artist for a man of great destruction. it may not be funny to call someone a nazi, but art nazi sure is bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
everyone chill now, go listen to teardrop by massive attack and have some chamomile tea.
Flubbles (Feb 14, 2009)
The reason those rules are there ,is so that people who put the effert in and have enough artistic ability to draw a half decent picture can have there draws on the front page for longer, if there were no rules the best drawings would rarely get seen.It pisses me off when people comment on really shitty pictures of anime or cute badly drawn cats etc, and the talented artists dont get many comments on drawings that are a millian times better, mostly through jealousy.The amount of times i see people say thats awsome when commenting on drawings that are mediocre at best really annoys me, i feel embarressed that im drawing amongst some of these people at times.
enjoydotcom (Feb 14, 2009)
Well said Flubbles.
Flubbles (Feb 14, 2009)
Not a bad song but chamomile tea tastes like camels arse.
CarmineDawn (edited Feb 14, 2009)
Flubbles I have seen your work and yes you are very talented.
add honey.
and can this all wait til my art is done?
*cranks up teardrop* now i cant hear anyone!
Flubbles (Feb 14, 2009)
Ill have a lump of shit to eat aswell and sprinkle a spoon of sugar on it.
marcello (Feb 14, 2009)
calm down people. even if it's not advanced level, no need to be asses about it.
Flubbles (Feb 14, 2009)
It doesnt really bother me i just like a good old fashioned fight! i feel bad now she's gone and deleted them though.
Nekoampy (Feb 14, 2009)
Oh wow... i didnt mean to start something with my little pricky comment. Unless i didnt start it.
firecracker (Feb 14, 2009)
"LOL"!!! You people "crack me up"!!! :D
enjoydotcom (edited Feb 17, 2009)
Dear Staci, there is a difference between being just blatant rude and calling someone a whore and pointing out that you don't think it is advanced.
CarmineDawn (Feb 17, 2009)
quit. arguing. on my non finished drawing. its making it really hard to go back and work on (any of them). that and i started something else. which i wanted to share the process with everyone because I tried some new stuff for me, but if you are going to comment just send me a memo, or dont post or go to the forum.
Pantera (Feb 17, 2009)
So sorry Carmine, most of us do not act this way, I really like your drawings and hope you will stay here :)
CarmineDawn (Feb 17, 2009)
drawn in 24 min
not finished
Axil62 (Feb 17, 2009)
I took a look at your gallery just to make sure before I said anything.
I think you are probably capable of becoming advanced some day, but you are not there yet.
If Marcello doesn't care what's on what board and the "moderators" don't moderate anymore, then so be it
but at the same time, if it's obvious that something isn't advanced and it's on the advanced board you're
most likely going hear about it. Your intermediate stuff barely qualifies as intermediate, let alone what you've done here.
I know it's unfinished but trust me, at this point, you don't have the skill to bring it up to intermediate quality. Like I said, I think you are capable of becoming advanced some day, but you need more practice first.
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