I think this piece is fine, it doesn't require any rating. I only think a piece needs a rating if people have legitimate complaints about the piece being unrated (or underrated) and/or a lot of people complain (strength in numbers).
Or 2 line drawings that took 10 minutes according to the timer, but the applet was left on for 8 minutes, so they didn't spend alllll that time on the drawing. Testing the applet, also very nice to look at.
drawn in 46 min
I think this piece is fine, it doesn't require any rating. I only think a piece needs a rating if people have legitimate complaints about the piece being unrated (or underrated) and/or a lot of people complain (strength in numbers).
(is it customary to reply in the commentboxes? am i doing this rite?)
You can pretty much draw whatever you want here. The only things that aren't really tolerated here are trolls, spam and disrespectful newbies.
... i think i might be scarred for life.
ty all for the comments, i hope i'm not spamming it with doodles or anything either, idk if that is too terribly high class pffft, oh well