100% - zoom in - zoom out
drawn in 49 min with Chicken Paint
DoOp (Jan 11, 2009)
That was weird, the program is fun to use. I submitted the oekaki but it didn't take me to the submit page i kinda just stayed on the drawing. is that supposed to happen? I had to go into draw and it's all hey ~notice~ submit this? Kinda deal going on. is that supposed to happen?

Air brush is really nice on Chibipaint 8D but I hate zooming in. it gets fuzzy D:
DoOp (Jan 11, 2009)
drawn in 49 min
marcello (Jan 11, 2009)
doop: you can turn off linear interpolation on one of the menus to make zoom pixelated.
davincipoppalag (Jan 12, 2009)
She's supposed to be doing her homework anyway.. :0)
SaiWataki (Jan 15, 2009)
That girl reminds me of something I drew last year xD
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