Hmmm, I wonder if there isn't something wrong with the timer. It felt more like a half an hour to me. Thanks for the compliment you know what Christmas song it is?
Marcello, I wanted to be a little positive (: towards the newbies, or maybe even meaner to them.
QT: I have actually no idea what CS it is. Hmm, wait, Santa Claus is coming to town?
OH, maybe....I did not know that Flubbles, I think I hit the wrong button by mistake or something. Not sure. Thanks tho. Yes, Enjoy....that is great guess and correct also Hee hee.
drawn in 9 min
QT: I have actually no idea what CS it is. Hmm, wait, Santa Claus is coming to town?
Bruce Springstien:
Sillier Version: