boardscontest!Contest Week 88: ME Logo
Kloxboy (edited Nov 22, 2008)
Contest Week 88: ME Logo

Design a logo that represents who you are and what you stand for. This logo should say something personal about you and express who you are as an individual. NO TEXT allowed but symbols are acceptable. The most well designed and expressive logo will win. I'll be sticking to the standard 1st, 2nd and 3rd placing for this contest.

Contest "Week 88" will be open for entries as of 11/22 to 12/1 11:59 PST


Creativity: The amount of imagination, originality and expressiveness that was put into the entry.
Technique & Effort: The amount of style, skill and craft that was put into the entry.
Following the theme: How well the entry followed the theme of the contest.

Please memo Kloxboy if you have any questions or comments about the Contest Board.

For more information about the 2Draw Contest Board and a record of past contest winners, please look at the 2Draw Contest Board Welcome Page


1st. lowghoe by cyclops -be sure to check out the judge's comments!
2nd. Personal Logo by QTgillie
3rd. C'est Moi by davincipoppalag
HiroDaZero (Nov 22, 2008)
man, i just had an art assignment like that. i had to write a personal statement and then draw it.
Kloxboy (Dec 2, 2008)
Updated: Thanks to those who participated.
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