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drawn in 56 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Axil62 (Nov 5, 2008)
Congrats, idiots.
Axil62 (Nov 5, 2008)
drawn in 56 min
TheCrimsonKing (Nov 5, 2008)
mm, I can already taste the gun control.
Kloxboy (Nov 5, 2008)
Commentator: "Republicans lost big time last night, how does that make you feel?"

Cloxboy: "I'm going to let this random Russian girl respond for me: Click it!"
Axil62 (Nov 5, 2008)
Cloxboy: You can bet Vladimir Putin is doing the same thing along with other leaders of places that hate us and want nothing more than to see us go down.
Flubbles (Nov 5, 2008)
There is nothing like being gracious in your victory clox :p Seriously though i just hope his doubters are wrong and he does a good job.
Kloxboy (Nov 5, 2008)
Flubbles: Gracious? On this drawing? Read my elitist, socialist, terrorist supporting lips "fuck that!" :)
Axil62 (edited Nov 5, 2008)
Change, change, thing that hasn't changed, all of our presidents have been raised by white women so far. Ok, that's just kooky!
Noremac (Nov 5, 2008)
your mom's kooky
Axil62 (Nov 5, 2008)
Oh huh.
Kloxboy (Nov 5, 2008)
I think this is kooky!
enjoydotcom (Nov 5, 2008)
Kooky? Frikking scary!!!
twit (Nov 5, 2008)
do you ever change? you know what, obama's here to stay, you cant accept him as your new president and look for a better America, fine sit here and frown all day, cry if you must, the rest of us see a bright future.
Axil62 (Nov 5, 2008)
Do you still believe that he's going to reduce taxes for 95% of the population?
Do you know what a deficit is?
Are you wearing glasses?
What color are they?
twit (Nov 5, 2008)
look, you people just silence your selves for a minute, wait and give the guy a chance, and see what he's got before you go ahead and make any radical judgements. you really dont know a candidate by their campaign, you can tell by their time as president, you know that from experience with Bill Clintin and Bush, sure the canpaign is full of sweet words to get them elected but its the candidates actions as president that count. you know nothing about barack obama as president yet, but you know him as candidate. so wait and see, by the end of the election, everyone honestly should finally shut up, pay attention, and watch quietly to see how America turns out. he got elected because the rest of us, saw hope and change in his words and plans. We really dont know if he's gonna live up to it yet, so again, calm down, sit, and pay attention, you might end up liking him.
Axil62 (Nov 5, 2008)
OK, how long should we wait?
Kloxboy (Nov 5, 2008)
Joyce: Totally! The laughing was freaky enough and then came the double-takes by those nutty looking girls, seriously creepy! Their faces looked a little possessed but for the most part, they were totally expressionless. Why?? What was the director thinking?? "OK kids, I want you to freak me the fuck out!!! ACTION!!"
enjoydotcom (Nov 5, 2008)
Lmao! That's what I thought too; Twit, 12?
twit (Nov 5, 2008)
o.o, whats wrong with being 12?
Kloxboy (Nov 5, 2008)
twit: I think she's implying you're not 12. :D
I wouldn't be surprised either way.
twit (Nov 5, 2008)
why would anyone think im not 12, because i pay attention to the election? ha! it's almost like a whole class in school thats all they ever talk about, eventually i took a side i thought was more positive, in view and ideas, when i see that side being attacked unfairly, i share my view on the issue.
Axil62 (Nov 5, 2008)
I thought you were about 12.
twit (Nov 5, 2008)
thank you? =p
sttixx (Nov 5, 2008)
obama won bitch
Axil62 (Nov 5, 2008)
Yes, he did.
Kloxboy (Nov 5, 2008)
Lol Dan.
enjoydotcom (Nov 5, 2008)
Twit; What Klox said.
sttixx (Nov 5, 2008)
twit (edited Nov 5, 2008)
enjoydotcom-- incase you didnt see it, ill just copy and paste my previous comment again =) "why would anyone think im not 12, because i pay attention to the election? ha! it's almost like a whole class in school thats all they ever talk about, eventually i took a side i thought was more positive, in view and ideas, when i see that side being attacked unfairly, i share my view on the issue."

in other words, im 12, take it or leave it. =)
sttixx (Nov 5, 2008)
same here
vlad.the.hamster (Nov 5, 2008)
o_o that is the scariest toy/commercial in the whole world. Scarier even than a burning Tickle Me Elmo.
*runs away and hides*
xwindflyer (Nov 6, 2008)
Change,change? That's all that will be left now, just change in your pocket, no more dollar bills.
Noremac (Nov 6, 2008)
opinionated debate is pointless. Nobody cares about what anyone else will say, because both parties are right in their own eyes.

You aren't gunna make progress trying to bite each others asses. You'll just run around in circles.
lori (edited Nov 6, 2008)
thank you, Cam.. debating sucks
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