boardscontest!Contest Week 86: PhotoCopy 01
Kloxboy (edited Nov 13, 2008)
Contest Week 86: PhotoCopy 01 - 10 days long

Copy the photo below. Whichever entry looks the most like the photo (colors, form, proportions, etc), wins. No style, just copy this photo the best you can. The reference is small on purpose, it's part of the challenge. You do not have to make your entry the same size as the photo. You may crop the photo slightly but all of the girl must be drawn just as you see her. I'll post another contest like this soon but the photo will be much larger. Thanks to my cute, moody Canadian cousin for the photo. ;)

Or you can see the photo alone here: refness

Contest "Week 86" will be open for entries as of 11/2 to 11/12 11:59 PST (10 days)


Creativity: The amount of imagination, originality and expressiveness that was put into the entry.
Technique & Effort: The amount of style, skill and craft that was put into the entry.
Following the theme: How well the entry followed the theme of the contest.

Please memo Kloxboy if you have any questions or comments about the Contest Board.

For more information about the 2Draw Contest Board and a record of past contest winners, please look at the 2Draw Contest Board Welcome Page

There can only be one!
Rashinal (Nov 4, 2008)
The pic. is your cousin? :O
enjoydotcom (Nov 4, 2008)
Read before you ask....
Kloxboy (Nov 10, 2008)
REMINDER: This contest ends this Wednesday, 11/12 at 11:59 pm PST. Thanks.
HiroDaZero (Nov 10, 2008)
crap, i still have to do one.
Cloxboy (Nov 13, 2008)
Updated: Thanks to all who participated. For this contest (and maybe others), only one person placed.
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