boardscontest!Contest Week 82: Skinless Portraits
Kloxboy (edited Oct 6, 2008)
Contest Week 82: Skinless Portraits

Paint a portrait of someone without skin. Use a photo reference to paint from and be sure to link your photo in your entry description. Do not paint a portrait of someone already missing their skin, not only is that against the rules, it also defeats the purpose of the contest. Thanks to Gigandas for inspiring this contest with his Artnatom post. Below are some facial anatomy websites, they should be helpful:

Google : Facial Anatomy Images

Contest "Week 82" will be open for entries as of 9/28 to 10/4 11:59 PST


Creativity: The amount of imagination, originality and expressiveness that was put into the entry.
Technique & Effort: The amount of style, skill and craft that was put into the entry.
Following the theme: How well the entry followed the theme of the contest.

Please memo Kloxboy if you have any questions or comments about the Contest Board.

For more information about the 2Draw Contest Board and a record of past contest winners, please look at the 2Draw Contest Board Welcome Page


1st. _____ by Flubbles -be sure to check out the judge's comments!
2nd. skinned. by HiroDaZero
3rd. JZ by Suntan
Dr.Moony (Sep 29, 2008) that's a crazy idea :)
HiroDaZero (Sep 29, 2008)
so does the body have to have no skin too? or just the face?
Kloxboy (Sep 30, 2008)
HDZ: Yes, any and all skin should be removed. Also, this is a portrait contest, there shouldn't be too much of the lower body showing, the focus should be on the upper torso, especially head.
Cloxboy (Oct 6, 2008)
Updated: Thanks to all who participated.
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