boardsbeginnerBluer than Blue

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drawn in 3 hours 36 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
bette_davis_eyes (Sep 4, 2008)
bette_davis_eyes (Sep 4, 2008)
drawn in 1 hour 46 min
bette_davis_eyes (Sep 4, 2008)
drawn in 20 min
bette_davis_eyes (Sep 4, 2008)
drawn in 1 hour 17 min
bette_davis_eyes (Sep 5, 2008)
drawn in 6 min
Sooshie (Sep 5, 2008)
Your eyes are so amazing. :3
It actually looks so real.
Truly amazing! :D
I wish I could draw eyes. xD
Miss_DJ (Sep 5, 2008)
that is absolutely beautiful!
gloworm043 (Sep 5, 2008)
Oh Bette...this is beautiful...very well done...:)
tonyscott (Sep 5, 2008)
really like this'fantastic
Aakyra (Sep 5, 2008)
Nice work Bette! A gorgeous shade of blue ... wonderful job on the details!
bette_davis_eyes (Sep 5, 2008)
drawn in 5 min
enjoydotcom (Sep 6, 2008)
Excellent eye! In thumb it looks like a photo.
davincipoppalag (Sep 6, 2008)
Oh Bette, this is gorgeous
Suntan (Sep 6, 2008)
Beautifully detailed and expressive..but I can't decide. Surpise? fright? no matter, it's excellent work.
vlad.the.hamster (Sep 6, 2008)
Excellent, very gorgeous eye! :D
kinda looks more like fright than surprise, I think.
bette_davis_eyes (Sep 6, 2008)
thank you all so much for your nice comments :)
Debrosi (Sep 16, 2008)
awesome job!!! soooooo real!! =)
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