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Specialty Boards/Collaborations 
wk, senshi, Punky, ~Wolf~, Deformed, and more... (Feb 23, 2007)
draw a CD cover from one of your favorite bands...
38 comments – latest 4:
DIEzombieDIE (May 23, 2007)
drawn in 1 hour 10 min
Miyavi - Miyavizm

[not really quite happy with the way it came out XP I wanted to do MYV*POPS but too much detail. I made myv all fugly XP]
deathking (May 26, 2007)
Can I join, I have this grateful dead cd cover that I wanna do.
Pakasutemanshikuka (May 26, 2007)
If there's any space left? :D

I like the idea of this!
Zeal (Jun 22, 2007)
drawn in 23 min
Nil- The gazette

Mine sucks.
drawn in 4 hours 41 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
Red-Whisper (May 12, 2007)
Wow this is my first... It isn't even CLOSE to as good as some people are! But then again, it's hard drawing with a mouse pad on a lap top! But I'll get better Eventually...
1 comment – latest 1:
wk (May 13, 2007)
It's small but good... I couldn't imagine drawing with a laptop...
drawn in 2 hours 53 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Kloxboy (Jan 2, 2006)
Because I felt like drawing someone big. I realize Dhalsim isn't this huge but I just like this style.
29 comments – latest 4:
SooRa (Feb 21, 2008)
Wow he's so ripped! @___@ awesome
cyclops (Oct 12, 2008)
this is so fantastic i click on it everytime it comes up in the showcase window
Flubbles (edited Oct 12, 2008)
Seriously theres no better artist at this site,for me your the best! i think you probobly know that anyway!
davincipoppalag (May 11, 2019)
Klox got game
drawn in 5 hours 32 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Main Forums/Drawing Discussion 
I'll draw anything
TaCO (edited Apr 28, 2009)
Tell me what to draw!!!!!! and demand that I draw It!!!! I need something to get me in draw mode again, cause I'm about to go into crap art mode, but I don't want to go into crap art mode. Say random stuff for me to draw. Hopefully I'll draw everything. And I don't draw nasty stuff!!!!! Come on you know you got something you want me to draw. 1. an alien War 2. happy place 3. [url:h...
Public Boards/Beginner 
Mal (Apr 28, 2007)
its time to hide behind your sofas
4 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Apr 28, 2007)
The Daleks are coming.. the Daleks are coming!
Nightmare (Apr 28, 2007)
I summon a shoggoth, what happens?
wk (Apr 28, 2007)
Its like the one Alex-Cooper did that won showcase...
Mal (Apr 29, 2007)
lol Davinci
Nightmare I have no idea what a shoggoth is , do they have death rays ?
wk , that might be because its a Dalek. I checked out Alex Coopers Dalek and it was awesome.
The new series of Doctor Who is quite good catch it if you can!
drawn in 19 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Specialty Boards/Collaborations 
wk, deathking, and ~Wolf~ (Feb 9, 2007)
Draw a famouse landmark like the sphinx of Giza, moai (I drew), or famouse buildings, anything like that. Anyone can join. :)
9 comments – latest 4:
~Wolf~ (Feb 20, 2007)
you guys can erase mine and take me off the collab, because i cannot draw anything!
Crimsonstar (Mar 7, 2007)
Can I join? <3 I want to draw the Eiffel Tower.
wk (Apr 22, 2007)
Mal (Apr 22, 2007)
cool idea
drawn in 40 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
oikitsumaru (Apr 19, 2007)
because chibis are fun and I'm always so busy drawing real stuff... okay, kinda real stuff... okay its mostly crap. but thats beside the point. This is my druid night elf in World of Warcraft (I'm so obsessed with that game)~ the clothes are generally made up since my weapon armour are constantly changing.
1 comment – latest 1:
wk (Apr 22, 2007)
Wow is like crack...
drawn in 36 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
psychofox0 (Apr 19, 2007)
Well, the reason I drew this... well, I was in an art funk, ''is what sweetcell calls it'' and just the thought of drawing this on 2draw makes me laugh. So, it kinda got me out of the funk.... so I drew it. X3 .... ahhahahahah.. oh, and look, cam.. a herm. ^ ^ and considering how others may not want to look at it. I shall cover its. X3
10 comments – latest 4:
Great_white (edited Apr 21, 2007)
Oh shit lol!
Crazy bitch Nice pic!
wk (Apr 21, 2007)
If they don't want to see it they won't click it, so draw offencive ones if you want... :\
Lore_V_of_BlackHat (Apr 21, 2007)
Thats the spirit my friend......>:D
Adult content united I'll say..........>8D
And sure you can draw IT as many times as you want this goes to every body I love to see pictures of him made by any body my friend.....>:D
Just let me know when its done to see it ok........:D
............Logging of Lore.V............
Noremac (Apr 21, 2007)


My work here is done.
This is hidden because it is rated 18+. Edit your privacy settings to make it visible.
drawn in 3 hours 38 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Advanced 
Sweetcell (Apr 18, 2007)
Accretion Disk

A binary system consisting of a black hole and a main sequence
("normal") star. The black hole is drawing matter from the main
sequence star via an accretion disk around it, and some of this
matter forms a gas jet.

11 comments – latest 4:
sincity (Apr 27, 2007)
Oh the bad things I can think of. ( sorry) :{
Sweetcell (Apr 27, 2007)
Kloxboy (Apr 28, 2007)
That's cool, I like the colors and the swirrliness.
Sweetcell (Aug 16, 2007)
drawn in 22 min
Better black hole.
drawn in 1 hour 23 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Main Forums/The Post Board 
Two identical pictures
Axil62 (Oct 20, 2006)
Two identical pictures READ BEFORE CLICKING ON THE LINK BELOW. There are two identical pictures that will appear on the screen. Almost 8,000 people were tested to see if they could find the 3 differences in the two pictures and only 19 found all 3. See how observant you are. If you find all 3, you're one of very few people who are able to do this.
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