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Public Boards/Beginner | |||||||||||||||
(Aug 16, 2006)
yep.... |
(Aug 16, 2006)
PLEASE MOVE TO BEGINNER. sorry sorry sorryHallo. long time no draw. @_@;;;;;; im in a cyber cafe. its the only access i have to the internet until the first week of sept. ok uhmm yeah thats me on this really nice flat screen comp. they have here and this lady with a bajillion freckles walked in from the pool with her hat on to get coffee and she saw me drawing and she stopped to look at me and she was watching me.. so i stopped drawing.... @_@ and then she left like 2 minutes later... reaally weird. yes.. i love my new hat too. ;D yay hottopic. --ohh yeah to SQUEE. im not on aim cuz these computers suck and wont let me im and crap. I LOVE HOW HER ARMS ARE ABOVE HER BRA
Natsuna (Aug 16, 2006)
DD: Ew.C: WOO YOUR DRAWING <333333333333 Augh long time no see Dx Imma beat up jowe today :] For you ;U Cause he's coming over xD;; SO WE CAN BEAT UM
Sweetcell (Aug 16, 2006)
I know how you feel Natsuna. I hate when people watch me draw, I get self concious and have to wait for them to walk away. That woman was rude to come up to a stranger to watch what's supposed to be their own private beusiness. Me I would have asked (in the nicest way possible) if I could do something for her and GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME!
squee (Aug 23, 2006)
xD 'Tis Okie Pokie Mandeh. I won't be on aim or 2draw for a while. o_o;; No internet at my house haha. So I get on here and comment after school waiting for my mom... Bleh. But this is cute ^_^ I love your hat haha. I went into an internet cafe type thing.. and there was a bunch of like... creepy... men... looking at me weird.... yesh... erm... HOWDEH O_O;;
tyler_da_bomb2 (Aug 23, 2006)
lol XD this is funny |
(Jul 28, 2006)
(Jun 28, 2006)
I'm totally going to do more to it...
theonlyone (Jun 28, 2006)
rammstein is good. :]
peanuts707 (Jun 28, 2006)
whats that whos rammstein?(: This is the fruit of my boredom.
(Jun 26, 2006)
tehe my dog chico ;3
theonlyone (Jun 26, 2006)
Uh, here's some tips.When drawing and stuff, try not making the faces so round, and they have to have en ending point[ like when you draw the vampire, she needs a chin. And claws, are bigger then that. Try studying an animal and the way they would look in the position you're drawing. And usually, cats/dogs have hair around their face.. likkeee... http://cellosoft.com/2draw/view/71430/ that. try it :]
peanuts707 (Jun 26, 2006)
ill try it =D |
(Jun 20, 2006)
IT TOOK ME LIKE 30 MINUTES TRYING TO FIGURE OUT HOW THE HELLO YOU USE THIS DARN THING!school ended friday and I have to shade more and add a nose ^__^ and my mommy dyed my hair for me &.&
marini135 (Jun 20, 2006)
wow! this is so cute! school ends on friday 4 me
kninu (Jun 20, 2006)
http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=86885092^__^ Their you are.
Natsuna (Jun 20, 2006)
The link says your account has been deleted........o__o Just so you know..
kninu (Jun 20, 2006)
^__^ You have to copy it and paste it into the URL Adress bar. |
(Jun 15, 2006)
If your wondering why all my characters are either fat or lazy its because they all work at mcdonalds.
theonlyone (Jun 15, 2006)
what's going on here, exactly?...x]
(Apr 2, 2006)
blah blah for them. |
– latest 2:
Natsuna (Jun 15, 2006)
No nose D:>This is probly your best...You actually colored xDD
theonlyone (Jun 15, 2006)
i dont like noses.:D:] but thankyou. AND! i only coloured because amanda showed me how to use oekaki and now my life is saved.:D |
Public Boards/Intermediate | |||||||||||||||
(Jun 14, 2006)
woopOMG am i on a role today or what > @_@
101_Torchic_101 (Jun 14, 2006)
It's so pretty! =) I really love your pictures!
Sufiroyce (Jun 14, 2006)
I like all the coloring!
TammyF (Jun 15, 2006)
Very pretty!!! |
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AHAHA. what were we saying anyway?
OH EDIT: and then i realized i can read over my comments. : D
You're a Turd. =]
Where you att?!?!?
I see theresaaaaa She's itty bitty. C: