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if i could pick a moment
& alwayz keep it new
Out of all the momentz ive spent
iD pick the moment i first kissed u
*ThE SkY HaS LosT itZ ColoR*
*ThE SuN HaS TurneD GreY*
*AT LeasT ThatZ HoW i FeeL*
*WeNEva UR AwaY*
Y dO wE cLoSe OuR EyEz WeN wE
. .. sLeep . KisS . dReaM .. .
i GuEsS tHe BeSt ThiNgZ iN liFe R uNseEn
LoVe MaKeS LiFe So CoNFuSiN BuT W/o LoVe WouLD u WaNt To LiVe???
SO...the elephant says to the camel "why do you have 2 boobs on your back?" the camel replies "that's a pretty stupid question coming from someone who has a dick on their face"
some complain because roses have thorns but others rejoice because thorns have roses.
Jimmy 11 monthz<333