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Public Boards/Intermediate 
Axil62 (Oct 30, 2004)
Some people dancing in strange garb.
8 comments – latest 4:
xwindflyer (Oct 30, 2004)
It's all Greek to me.
Toonah (Oct 30, 2004)
Wow that's really pretty. I dunno why but it reminds me of Van Helsing...^.^
sincity (Oct 30, 2004)
It reminds me of those spinning monks, can't remember what religion or what have you that they belong to but all they do is spin......I don't know how they don't puke.
shell (Mar 3, 2011)
I wonder what the music sounded like.
drawn in 30 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Axil62 (Oct 30, 2004)
"...and we sit here in our storm and drink a toast to the slim chance of love's recovery..."
7 comments – latest 4:
Axil62 (Oct 31, 2004)
Thank you.
Aubrey (Nov 6, 2004)
I feel like I need to say something to it, but dunno what to say. It's neat, I'll leave it at that.
Xodiak (Nov 6, 2004)
He must be some kind of warlock! >:D
shell (Mar 3, 2011)
love the colors
drawn in 32 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
Axil62 (Oct 30, 2004)
Hey look! I made a egg!
12 comments – latest 4:
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Oct 30, 2004)
you know how little pieces of the white stuff sort of bubbles up and breaks off and sticks to the skillet and stuff... that's what that is, i think.
Anna (Oct 31, 2004)
This egg really rocks. :-D I like looking at it.
staci (Dec 20, 2004)
how come i never commented on this egg? i ll tell you what it a jerk.

but i love the colors, love how you see and interpret something ordinary and make it a piece of art. i cant make sunny side up or over easy eggs tho. my spatula always sticks and then the yolk breaks and then the bad men come.
shell (Mar 3, 2011)
getting hungry
drawn in 53 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Axil62 (Oct 28, 2004)
Oh hi.
3 comments – latest 3:
spiritdweller (Oct 28, 2004)
Hi. I like this...light is a good subject to draw
staci (Dec 20, 2004)
this reminds me of something fun
shell (Mar 3, 2011)
this reminds me of another window light drawing you did
drawn in 25 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Axil62 (Oct 27, 2004)
Happy Halloween
11 comments – latest 4:
Zack (Oct 27, 2004)
This makes me think of Gernika, minus the cubism.
spiritdweller (Oct 28, 2004)
this is so Hitleresque...scary man.. scary...
DeadlyBlondeArcher (edited Oct 29, 2004)
Looks like the Dallas Cowboys and the 49'ers in a dogpile without their uniforms to me. :)
shell (Mar 3, 2011)
lol Staci
drawn in 36 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Axil62 (Oct 21, 2004)
I hate having to figure out all the Shi crap after getting so used to Lascaux.
16 comments – latest 4:
Aubrey (Oct 24, 2004)
I love pictures with reflections in them. Sunglass reflections can make any picture attractive, although with your pictures they just add to the luster :)
thug (Dec 15, 2004)
one of the most memorable moments during a trip to Aruba with my wife and without the kids was noticing the beautiful scenery reflected twice in my wife's sunglasses. Beautiful wife, beautiful beach and ocean, beautiful young ladys in bikines, beautiful day... I saw this picture and didn't have time to comment on it and just now found it again. I thought at the time it would have made a great photo but didn't have a camera.
Thanks for the memory.
Xodiak (Dec 15, 2004)
You should draw your wife sometime if you have not already thug! >:)
shell (Mar 3, 2011)
Well now you know how I feel about Lascaux. But this is good, it doesn't look like you've been struggling at all.
drawn in 1 hour 6 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Axil62 (Oct 24, 2004)
I want "Thrasher" by Neil Young played at my funeral.

"....Down the windy halls of friendship
To the rose clipped by the bullwhip
The motel of lost companions
Waits with heated pool and bar.

But me I'm not stopping there,
Got my own row left to hoe
Just another line
in the field of time
When the thrasher comes,
I'll be stuck in the sun
Like the dinosaurs in shrines
But I'll know the time has come
To give what's mine."

~Neil Young~
3 comments – latest 3:
Xodiak (Oct 24, 2004)
Looks very nice. I like how he has his mouth wide open! In my funeral, I want all people to pick their noses when they keep a minute of silence in my honour. Also, I want to be put in the casket with my right hand positioned over my private parts. I also want those people at the funerals to fix a permanent smile on my face before they put me in the casket. It is much better to enter Hell with a wide grin, just to show to every lost soul how happy I am to be there. >:)
Aubrey (Oct 24, 2004)
Impressive how you people can make a complete and cool picture out of a few short lines. Nice lyrics too.
shell (Mar 3, 2011)
What Aubrey said. I never think about my own funeral. I don't wanna think about yours.
drawn in 24 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Advanced 
jekyll (Apr 25, 2010)
Had some time to waste, thought I'd finish it.....
7 comments – latest 4:
Suntan (Mar 2, 2011)
Bobstained (Mar 2, 2011)
Reminds me of this one I did
jekyll (Mar 2, 2011)
elly: Thank you! Looking forward to seeing your shell
dave: thanks, ya think she will? Oh, she does!
Thank you, Shell
:) Suntan
Bob: your's is a little pebble
TisforTwee (Mar 3, 2011)
I really like the subtle detail, very nice :)
drawn in 6 hours 18 min with Chicken Paint
Public Boards/Beginner 
Axil62 (Mar 3, 2011)
10 comments – latest 4:
TheCrimsonKing (Mar 3, 2011)
You've heard of google right?
Axil62 (Mar 3, 2011)
lol, yeah. I did google it. I remember those cartoons. I don't think mine look like his though.
TheCrimsonKing (edited Mar 3, 2011)
I guess the violence against cute animals by a meat head is what triggered the comparison.
Axil62 (Mar 3, 2011)
I remember a long time ago there was one about him spanking a monkey. It was interactive.
drawn in 22 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Axil62 (Oct 24, 2004)
This was supposed to be JOhn Denver driving a 57 Chevy with a Hurst shifter...but then it turned into this.
10 comments – latest 4:
Aubrey (Oct 24, 2004)
Nah not sloppy, this is very well put together and in such an elogant way too. Nice touch with the rose petals as well :)
thug (edited Oct 25, 2004)
If this = sloppy, then sloppy = artistic so this = artistic. Simple logic prooving that this is an artistic piece. Who wants to see John Denver anyway?
spiritdweller (Oct 25, 2004)
shell (Mar 3, 2011)
drawn in 1 hour 11 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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