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Public Boards/Beginner 
senshi (Nov 15, 2006)
This would be a very bad rendition of my Gaia avatar.
seen here
how do you put words in the pic?
7 comments – latest 4:
senshi (Nov 16, 2006)
i tried what you said amy-chan, but it doesn't stay.
what do you do after you type the stuff?

Yeah, i still don't know what the book is,
but he seems ta like it. reads it everywhere he goes.
KyoxTohru95 (Nov 17, 2006)
Umm... I click either enter or if they have an okay button, I press that. Yeah... Im just a little slow today, so slow, that my SRT teacher asked me if I was on drugs.
Pieperson (Dec 7, 2006)
Add me senshi, I'm Gaara_is_forever d-(^_^)-b
Shortiebop (Dec 7, 2006)
good one lost me i don't know how to do the words either ...:)
drawn in 6 hours 30 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
senshi (Nov 8, 2006)
i just felt like drawing
cant you see the simple complexity of it?
bet you can't guess what the Kanji say.
i drew them really bad, but they're still readable
and -cough-title-cough-
1 comment – latest 1:
camadeon (Nov 9, 2006)
nice ^^
drawn in 30 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
senshi (Nov 8, 2006)
My hair actually looks like this now.
somehow it actually stays down. cept fer the ends
how do you like compared to my hair back then?
oh. and I got a Gaara shirt. it doesn't say "Gaara," it's got his picture. i just was bein lazy
2 comments – latest 3:
senshi (Nov 8, 2006)
drawn in 31 sec
fixxed the hair a bit
squee (Nov 17, 2006)
senshi (Nov 17, 2006)
and what is that sposed ta mean
drawn in 34 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
senshi (Sep 1, 2006)
Sasuke's got like a frog face.
Part 2 of 3
Gaara is awesome
1 comment – latest 4:
senshi (Sep 6, 2006)
drawn in 38 min
I gots Homework ta do.
still not done.
senshi (Sep 7, 2006)
drawn in 2 hours 57 min
didn't do much. lost interest.
senshi (Oct 25, 2006)
drawn in 56 min
finally done
cmoon (Nov 6, 2006)
VERY COOL! eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
drawn in 14 hours with Oekaki Shi-Painter
senshi (Oct 24, 2006)
From Gaara, TenTen and Rock Lee
5 comments – latest 4:
pancakes_rock (Oct 24, 2006)
7hrs *3*
i like the thing in the pink its cute
senshi (edited Oct 24, 2006)
the pink one is TenTen in a panda suit.
okay, take off like, 3 hours fer the dance, 1/2 an hour fer taking a shower, and about 10 min. fer eating.
that breaks it down to..
2hr and 50min. I was also watching Gaara on youtube=?min. and I was on 2draw at the same time.
..2hrs,20min. maybe.
i dunno. I hate math, my head hurts, and I'm goin to bed now. ta ta
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Oct 24, 2006)
don't you just HATE having to explain where you've been? ;)
pancakes_rock (Oct 24, 2006)
oh mmkay *U*
drawn in 7 hours 35 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
senshi (Oct 23, 2006)
I am teh Turnip mastah!
7 comments – latest 4:
senshi (Nov 3, 2006)
YAAY! Turnip cult!!
but I am teh mastah.
youre like..the second in command.
this was actually a doodle. of Iruka's hair. I said "it looks like a turnip"
and at that moment, i became teh turnip mastah
xiahou_dun_rocks (Nov 4, 2006)
that does not look like Iruka's hair!
senshi (Nov 5, 2006)
and so she comes from nowhere just to yell at me.
yeah, it did at first, but then i changed it a little bit
cmoon (Nov 6, 2006)
YES this is so...random...but........... COOOOOL! eeeeeee! you got ta skills! yesh!@_@
drawn in 1 hour 5 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
senshi (Oct 14, 2006)
Senshi aka Me. <(^_^)>
Sand Village Rules!!
3 comments – latest 3:
squee (Oct 16, 2006)
xD!! Come on! Mist Village is sooooo cooler.
senshi (Oct 16, 2006)
yeah, sure. whatever you say.
even though they only have like, one person from there in the series.
Zabuza roxx, but Sand beats all in a landslide.
squee (Oct 18, 2006)
Sand village is good at pwning, but Mist village is cooler cuz they're more mysterious and googly goop.
drawn in 1 hour 29 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Specialty Boards/Contest! 
senshi (Oct 6, 2006)
I fer one, would get this tatoo..if i'd get a tatoo, that is.
It's on some doods forearm, if you didn't realize.
Im the only one completely colored so far.
4 comments – latest 4:
Maiko (Oct 6, 2006)
Sweetcell (Oct 7, 2006)
LOL Mai, now I see it too. Subliminal? I wonder.

That would hurt @___@
senshi (edited Oct 11, 2006)
You sick, perverted..Psh-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! I see it. HAA! That's so funny. but inappropriate. I iz ashamed of joo.
..that would hurt a LOT.
101_Torchic_101 (Oct 11, 2006)
XD That's what I thought it was when I first saw it! XDD LMAO!!
drawn in 1 hour 26 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
senshi (Sep 18, 2006)
My cousin. sorta
the eyes scare me, alittle.
It looks better when you kan't see every detail.
3 comments – latest 4:
Emi-Sama (Sep 22, 2006)
I'm interested in how this will turn out.
Emi-Sama (Sep 23, 2006)
The eyes are kind off weird. Other than that it's good.
cmoon (Sep 23, 2006)
Umm... nice job.... T_T
senshi (Sep 23, 2006)
drawn in 17 min
done now
drawn in 6 hours 8 min with PaintBBS
senshi (Sep 19, 2006)
He is Ed and he does Kiwy stuff. Foh cammo.
3 comments – latest 4:
senshi (Sep 21, 2006)
drawn in 17 min
woot. i got far
senshi (Sep 22, 2006)
drawn in 14 min
There. done.
Noremac (Sep 22, 2006)
-clap clap-
KuronekoM1 (Sep 27, 2006)
he looks very determined
drawn in 3 hours 4 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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